A hometown newspaper with a local office, local owners & lots of local news
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My husband, Bob, came home last week after six weeks away. He reached his physical and occupational therapy goals and was ready to be discharged. He will now be doing therapy at home as the nurses and therapists will be coming to the house. He thanks everyone for the many, many cards of encouragement. It is great to have him home again. Now, I will be home for a week before my knee replacement surgery, which is scheduled for Aug. 5, but I’m not holding my breath, as it has been postponed t...
The 55th annual Wrong Days in Wright took place last weekend with a somewhat scaled back list of events. The events were not as well attended as in the past, but at least folks got a chance to get together in a safe and socially distanced way. Friday night’s fireworks concluded just as the storm’s fireworks began. There was a lot of thunder and lightning, then the rain came down in torrents for a few minutes, along with some pretty strong winds. I had an emergency bag packed just in case I had...
The 55th annual Wrong Days in Wright will be taking place this weekend, Friday through Sunday, July 17-19, in Wright with a somewhat scaled back list of events. Wrong Days will start out with the annual steak fry 4-7 p.m. Friday in the Big Top Pavilion, O-G-N-I-B (bingo spelled backward) at 7:30 p.m. in the Big Top, and fireworks at dusk with free popcorn at the Cook Shack. WD buttons are available at area businesses and events, as there will be no door-to-door selling or king and queen...
On the Fourth of July, my son Curtis, friend Shirley Goodin and I went to the “compound” at Sherriff Lake (land owned by Sharon Lake’s kids Robin and Eric) to help celebrate Sharon’s graduation from the University of Minnesota Duluth. We held a graduation ceremony complete with commencement speech and presentation of awards and diploma, because UMD did not have a ceremony this year due to COVID-19. Sharon was surprised, as it was kept a secret, almost. I gave the commencement speech and got her...
The 55th annual Wrong Days in Wright is a go, and will be taking place the weekend of July 17-19 in Wright with a scaled-back list of events. There are posters up around the area, so you can check on the events you would like to participate in. Remember to attend at your own risk, and that masks and social distancing are encouraged. Buttons are available in area businesses, as there will be no door-to-door selling or king and queen candidates this year. They are still only $1 each, but there...
This has been an interesting and emotional week for our family. I had to take my husband, Bob, to St. Luke’s Hospital in Duluth on Tuesday, June 9 because he was very tired and just couldn’t get words out to communicate with us. I thought it might have been a mild stroke, so off we went in a hurry. When we arrived, I went right to the emergency door, and nurses in PPE came to the van and hurried him off to the ER. I was not able to go in, so waited in my van in the hospital parking lot for a c...
I don’t know where my brain has been lately, but I just found out that Father’s Day is June 21, not last Sunday. Oh, well, it means twice the good wishes for all you fathers out there. I also know that there will probably be no class reunions this summer. The Class of 1961 will not gather this year, but members hope to make some bigger plans for the 60th reunion next year. I want to wish all our area classes a great summer, even if you can’t gather for your significant reunions. There doesn...
I just got word from Mary Purcell’s daughter that she fell and broke a bone in her neck. She will be in recovery and rehab for the next six weeks or so. Cards of encouragement and speedy recovery can be sent to: Mary Purcell, 400 West 67th St. #110, Minneapolis MN 55423. Thanks for any prayers or cards that you send her; I am sure she will appreciate them. Congratulations to Ray and Lindsay on their 50th wedding anniversary June 6. They celebrated with an intimate dinner with their two d...
I’m happy to report that Susan Walli Shelerud is now up and back on her feet, after a 900-pound car lift fell on her more than 10 weeks ago. Because of COVID-19 precautions, no one could be with her in the hospital while she underwent surgeries to put her feet back together. She was alone in her hospital room, keeping the family updated via her cell phone. Over the past few months she’s been in a wheelchair, navigating a new normal, from having to crawl up the stairs to get to bed every nig...
The Clothing Depot in Cromwell is back open on a limited basis. The hours and days are still the same — 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday — but they are allowing only eight people in at a time, and no children under the age of 12. All purchases will be put in their new shopping baskets, and the staff will bag the items at the counter. Please wear masks and be respectful of other customers and the workers at the Depot. Also, all donations will be put in the shed outside before the...
The volunteers at the Villa Vista/Cardinal Court were invited to stop by May 15 to get a plant as an appreciation gift from owners Julie and Mike Peterson. They usually have a volunteers breakfast at the facility in May, but due to the pandemic, they distributed the plants outside instead. A Duluth television station was there to record the event. More than 70 plants were given to those who stopped by. The owners, staff and residents want to thank all the faithful volunteers who do so much with...
Villa Vista/Cardinal Court volunteers are invited to stop by between 12:30 p.m. and 2 p.m. Friday, May 15 to get a plant as an appreciation gift from Julie and Mike Peterson. They usually have a volunteers breakfast at their facility in May, but due to you-know-what, they will distribute plants outside instead. They also want to thank all the faithful volunteers who do so much with the residents every year, and hope that things can return to normal soon. So, residents and staff, hang in there!...
Even if our schools are closed, there is some school news to report, as we congratulate Emaleigh Olesiak, who competed in the Minnesota Academy of Science state fair held virtually in March. This was Emaleigh’s first state event, and she won a Silver Award for her project “Air Air Everywhere,” for excellence in STEM research. We also congratulate Katelynne Schatz for being named Employee of the Year at the College of St. Scholastica and also the top student employee of the year in the state...
It’s now the sixth week of the “stay at home” order by our Minnesota governor and we are trying to do our best to follow this directive. And now we hear that the schools will not resume this year at all. All I can say is I feel for the students, staff and especially the parents as they go through these trying times. Our senior class will miss their spring sports events, awards banquet, the prom, their class trip and even a graduation ceremony unless some alternative plans can be made soon....
As we go through another month of “stay at home” orders, I hope you all are staying put, staying safe and staying healthy. I have heard of a few cases of COVID-19 in Carlton County, but so far we have only a limited number of folks infected. Let’s hope it stays that way. One good thing about the shutdown is when I got my gas card bill, it was $46 for the last 30 days. Usually it’s more than $150, but the most I drive now is 20 miles a week to Wright and Cromwell. Oh, also the gas prices have com...
It’s now the fourth week of the state stay-at-home order and we are trying to do our best to follow the directive. I go to the Co-op store in Wright only once a week and maybe to Cromwell for gas when needed. Otherwise, it’s 24/7 at home. I don’t think I filled my gas tank more than once in March. I’m hoping you all are staying home, staying safe and staying healthy. I have heard of a few cases of COVID-19 in Carlton County, but so far we have only a limited number of folks infected. Let’s hope...
It’s been nearly a month of quarantine for most of us, and it’s starting to feel normal to be staying at home most of the time. I guess this slower pace of life is a blessing for many, but it must be difficult for our senior citizens in area nursing homes and assisted living facilities. So please keep those phone calls, cards and letters coming to our elders — and any others, for that matter. I’ve spent a considerable amount of my time picking out “Thinking of You” greeting cards to send to my...
There are a couple of new phrases that I have added to my vocabulary, including “social distancing.” Folks are now staying home as much as possible and getting to know their kids and spouses in a whole new way. It’s time for lots of spring cleaning and maybe even doing some letter writing and lots of phone calls or instant messaging. What would most of us do without the technology we are using? I just hope those folks who do not have this capability will stay connected and active. Angela Dahlm...
This week we have settled into the realization that everything is canceled except grocery shopping, critical medical appointments and emergency travel. At least folks seem to be paying attention and following the guidelines of our health experts. I, for one, haven’t done much away from home. I did have to make a quick trip to town for much-needed supplies, but did not try to overstock my shelves by hoarding any items. If we do run out of some things, I’m sure we can make do with what we sti...
With the advent of the coronavirus, there will be, and already have been, many cancellations in our area. The worst one, at least for our girls basketball team, was the sudden cancellation of the state tournament after just one game (which they won). The whole team, coaches, parents and fans were devastated by this news, but the players held their heads high and will carry on the best that they can. We can be so proud of all the effort put into such a successful season and we can only hope that...
Congratulations to our Boys and Girls Basketball teams as they finished another very successful season and good luck at state to the girls! The girls team was set to play at 3 p.m. Thursday March 12. The Friday and Saturday game times are yet to be determined, but I hear these games will be televised. Our school is aware that there are many concerns related to COVID-19, otherwise known as the Coronavirus in the school and community environment. At this time there are three confirmed cases in...
Leo Dahlberg Ccelebrated his 86th Bbirthday with a family and friends party at Cardinal Court on Sunday, March 1. We wish him Happy Bbirthday!y. Happy Birthday wishes also go out to Jake Bok of Cardinal Court in Cromwell. Jake will be 97 years oldon March 11 as he was. He was born in 1923 in Holland. He and has been married to his wife, Ann, for 73 years. He spent his adult life as a farmer, truck driver and worked in the mines. He is best known for gabbing and telling stories. His favorite...
To all those folks born on Feb. 29, a very special Happy Birthday to you this year. Congratulations to Paul Johnson and Lorraine Guentzel who were crowned the Valentine’s Day King and Queen at the Villa Vista and Cardinal Court on Feb. 11. They both were surprised and thrilled to be chosen by their friends and the staff. Send cards to them at: Villa Vista, 1220 Villa Ct Drive, Cromwell, MN 55726. Happy 86th birthday to Leo Dahlberg on March 1 and Judy Miller (turning 100) on March 4. They b...
Congratulations to Beth Clark on her 500th win as the head coach of the Hermantown Hawks girls basketball team on Feb. 13. Beth is originally from Cromwell, graduating in 1977. She was one of the first girls to play basketball when Title IX was instituted. She played on the varsity team in the seventh grade when Stan Verich and I were the coaches. Title IX prohibits federally-funded educational institutions from discriminating against students or employees based on sex. The Title IX education...
I’ve had some pretty strange things happen to me lately. On Feb. 6, I motored to McGregor to visit a friend and take another friend out to lunch when a strange, feral cat appeared in my van. I was in the parking lot at the Fireside and when I backed up and started to head for the highway, a cat jumped from the back seat into the front seat, then onto the dashboard, snarling and hissing like it wanted to take our heads off. It happened so fast that we opened a window and the cat took off like a...