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Find Christmas and Christmas Eve services listed in this week's paper
Bethany/Bethlehem Lutheran Parish
Bethany Lutheran Church
5660 Hwy 210, Cromwell
bethany55726@ yahoo.com
Worship 9:30 a.m. with Sunday School
Women’s Bible study 9:30 a.m. first Wed.
Bethany Beacons women’s ministry 9 a.m. second Wed.
Bethlehem Lutheran Church
Hwy 210 & Third St., Wright
Worship 8 a.m.
Holy Closure service 10 a.m. Jan. 26
Bethel Lutheran Church
Pastor Rob Larson
1012 29th St., Scanlon
Facebook: @BethelLutheranChurchScanlon
9 a.m. service, followed by coffee and fellowship
Bethesda Evangelical Lutheran Church
Pastor Seth Wynands
204 Fifth St. North, Carlton
Facebook: @BethesdaCarlton
8:30 a.m. worship, followed by coffee hour
Carlton County Church of Christ
Scanlon Community Center
2801 Dewey Ave. #1, Scanlon
(218) 380-4949
10 a.m. worship
10:45 a.m. Bible study
Call 218-380-4949 for a personal Bible study
Esko Apostolic Lutheran Church
Pastor Nathan Juntunen
25 Church Road, Esko
Communion 1st & 3rd Sundays
9 a.m. Sunday School
10 a.m. Worship service
11 a.m. coffee & fellowship
Services on Esko Apostolic YouTube channel
First Church of Christ Scientist, Duluth
1731 N. 43rd Ave. E.
Duluth MN 55804
10:30 a.m. service & Sunday School
7:30 p.m. Wednesday service
Reading Room open before and after services
Grace Church
North Campus, 601 14th St., Cloquet
9 a.m.& 6 p.m. Sunday worship
South Campus, 3099 Cty Road 5, Barnum
11 a.m. Sunday worship
Hope Lutheran Church (LCMS)
Pastor Stafford Thompson
4093 Munger Shaw Road, Cloquet
9 a.m. service
10:30 a.m. education hour
9:30 a.m. Wed. education hour, 6:30 p.m. catechism/new members
Journey Christian Church
Pastor Hollis Graves
1400 Washington Ave., Cloquet
Saturday service 6 p.m.
8:30 & 10:30 a.m. Sunday services, also online
6:30 p.m. Wednesday LifeGroups
New Life Community Church
Pastor Michael Barrett
1699 Highway 210, Carlton
10 a.m. service, also online
Facebook @WorshipGodWithUs
Instagram @newlife_mn
Facebook @newlifeyouthmn
Northwood United Methodist Church
Pastor Brian Cornell
62 W. Hwy 61, Esko
(828) 434-6995
Facebook: https://bit.ly/2ECUWQH
YouTube: bit.ly/2CU7uC8
9 a.m. service
10 a.m. fellowship
10:30 a.m. Sunday school, all ages
Our Redeemer Lutheran Church and Preschool
Pastor Matthew Kohl
515 Skyline Blvd, Cloquet
9 a.m. traditional worship
“My Savior Lives” 9:30 a.m. on KBJR Ch. 6
10 a.m. fellowship
10:30 a.m. Sunday school & adult Bible class
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church
Pastor Luke Lekander
615 12th St., Cloquet
9:30 a.m. worship in person, Facebook, YouTube
10:45 a.m. Sunday school
11 a.m. Sun. on WKLK 1230
3:30 p.m. Sun. & Wed., 9 a.m. Mon., 2 p.m. Tues. on CAT-7
3:30-5 p.m. Wed. Middle School youth group
Preschool, Sunday school & volunteer registration at website
Presbyterian Church of Cloquet
47 Fourth St., Cloquet
11 a.m. service, also on Facebk
Queen of Peace Catholic Church and School
Fr. Nicholas Nelson, Pastor
102 Fourth St., Cloquet
Mass at Queen of Peace 8:05 a.m. Mon., Wed., Thur. & Friday; 7 a.m. Tues; 9 a.m. first Sat .;
5 p.m. Sat. 8 a.m.
Mass at Holy Family Church 8 a.m. Sunday, 280 Reservation Road, Cloquet
Mass broadcast on YouTube and 11 a.m. Sun. & 7 p.m. Wed. on CAT-7
The River’s Edge Church
Pastor Seth Wynands
506 Chestnut St., Carlton
Facebook: The River’s Edge Church
10 a.m. worship, followed by fellowship; all are welcome
River of Life Church
Pastor John Napoli
1002 Carlton Ave., Cloquet
10 a.m. service
St. Matthews Lutheran Church
and Little Esko Preschool
Pastor Marty Mably
4 Elizabeth Ave., Esko
8 a.m. worship
9:15 a.m. education hour
9 a.m. worship on Facebook Live
9:30 a.m. “My Savior Lives” on KBJR Ch 6
10:30 a.m. worship, also via FacebookLive
St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church
Pastor David Handsaker
1705 Wilson Ave., Cloquet
Communion 1st Sunday
9 a.m. worship
10 a.m. fellowship
10:30 a.m. confirmation and Sunday school
12:30 p.m. on WKLK 1230
2 p.m. Wed. & Sun. on CAT-7
6:30 p.m. Wednesday Bible study & Kids Club
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Duluth
835 W. College St., Duluth
10:30 a.m. Worship service in the sanctuary or via Zoom
Zion Lutheran Church
Pastor Christina Johnson
1000 Washington Ave., Cloquet
9:30 a.m. worship, followed by fellowship. Intergenerational Faith Formation following worship on the second Sunday of the month during the school year.
9 a.m. WKLK 1230; Facebook & YouTube by Sun. afternoon; 6 p.m. Sun. & Wed. on CAT-7