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  • Minnesota Public Radio|Feb 26, 2021

    Tim Nelson MPR News Minnesota is launching a new “vaccine connector” website to help line people up with Covid-19 shots. The site includes a questionnaire, asking enrollees for their address, age, occupation, medical history and other data that may factor into their eligibility for a vaccine. It also asks for race, gender and sexual orientation data, but says that is optional. The site isn’t a one-stop for vaccinations. “When a Minnesotan becomes eligible to receive a vaccine under state guidelines, the Vaccine Connector will alert them of...  Website

  • Share your pandemic thoughts, art or writings with PKN readers

    Feb 26, 2021

    It’s been nearly a year that we’ve been living under the new world order wrought by the Covid-19 pandemic. The Pine Knot News would like to hear reader thoughts or see impressions related to coping the past year. Write an essay. Send artwork or a photo of a project you’ve done to stay sane at home. Send a poem. Send your contribution to: Email: [email protected] Mail: Pine Knot News Editor, 122 Avenue C, Cloquet MN 55720 Those who send us items will be placed in a drawing for a speci...

  • Vaccination pace is slow and steady

    Jana Peterson|Feb 19, 2021

    As the vaccination process for Covid-19 ramps up in Minnesota, getting a vaccine has almost become a sport for some - as they bounce between various drugstore chain websites, local health care clinics and hospitals and a state waiting list that closes and opens as supplies ebb and flow. If you're registered on three different lists and end up getting vaccinated earlier somewhere else, that's OK, says Community Memorial Hospital CEO Rick Breuer. Just make sure you share that information with CMH...

  • Covid hits hard at local church

    Jana Peterson|Feb 19, 2021

    The coronavirus does not discriminate on the basis of sex, politics or religion. Cloquet’s Good Hope Church in Cloquet proved that last month, when Covid-19 spread through its members at a remarkable pace. Pastor Mike Stevens estimated that about one in five members — most of them volunteers — were infected. In total, he estimated about 45 people tested positive for Covid. “As far as churches go, we’re pretty strict with masking and social distancing. We have ushers seat people at a distance, and we’ve fought the fight with masks,” he...

  • This isn't her first pandemic rodeo

    Jana Peterson|Feb 12, 2021

    Martha Westlund, age 105, was three years old when the last pandemic hit the world. But she doesn't remember much about the 1918 influenza pandemic, because no one got sick on their isolated farm in the Twig area. She is very much aware of Covid-19, however, and was thrilled to get her first vaccination at Community Memorial Hospital on Friday. Her son, Tim Westlund, said he'd been calling around and searching websites in the area to get her an appointment, and finally called the Raiter Clinic,...

  • Carlton County cases stay low

    Pine Knot News|Feb 12, 2021

    Carlton County Covid-19 case numbers increased by 37 cases over the past week, and there have been no new deaths in at least two weeks. As of Feb. 10, Carlton County had seen a cumulative total of 2,946 Covid-19 cases with 43 deaths, according to the most recent numbers from the Minnesota Department of Health. Also Wednesday, the Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa reported a total of 196 positive tests so far — unchanged in two weeks — with 92 of those on the reservation, also the same as the previous two weeks. The state’s Feb. 4 rep...

  • Superior rapid test site reopens

    Pine Knot News|Feb 12, 2021

    The University of Wisconsin-Superior’s Covid-19 community rapid testing site will reopen Monday, Feb. 15. The Wisconsin Department of Health Services requested that the site open again after closing last month. Minnesota residents may test there. Testing will remain at the Marcovich Wellness Center and is offered 2-6 p.m. Monday through Friday. Information, including how to schedule an appointment, can be found at uwsuper.edu/covidtest....

  • New treatment offered in Duluth

    Pine Knot News|Feb 12, 2021

    Essentia Health is offering a new treatment for people diagnosed with mild to moderate Covid-19 who are at high risk for severe complications and hospitalization. The drug, called bamlanivimab, is a monoclonal antibody recently authorized for emergency use by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. It must be given within 10 days of the start of symptoms and as soon as possible after a positive Covid-19 test. Patients must meet criteria set by the FDA to qualify for the treatment. There is a limited supply of bamlanivimab, so it is being...

  • Covid vaccinations start reaching older Carlton County residents

    Jana Peterson|Feb 5, 2021

    Thomson Township resident John Luomala was exceedingly happy to get his Covid-19 vaccination shot from Essentia Healthcare in Duluth last week. From the first recorded call - when he waited 45 minutes, but just left the phone on speaker - to get an appointment to his arrival at the Essentia auditorium to check in, then getting his actual shot, Luomala said it was smooth sailing. There were only about six people in front of him waiting for shots, and the line moved quickly. "A young nurse...

  • Latest Carlton County Covid-19 case numbers

    Jana Peterson|Feb 5, 2021

    Carlton County Covid-19 case numbers increased by 53 cases over the past week, and there were no new deaths. As of Wednesday, Feb. 3, Carlton County had seen a cumulative total of 2,909 Covid-19 cases with 43 deaths, according to the most recent numbers from the Minnesota Department of Health. Also Wednesday, the Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa reported a total of 196 positive tests so far — the same as last week — with 92 of those on the reservation, also the same as the week bef...

  • Vaccine Q&A

    Minnesota Public Radio|Jan 29, 2021

    Q Who’s now eligible to get their vaccines? A While Minnesota continues to work through its highest-priority groups — like front-line health care workers; those directly caring for, and exposed to, Covid-19 patients; residents of long-term care facilities and long-term care workers — the state has also expanded the pool of people who are eligible to be vaccinated. In this new group: People who are 65 and older, as well as teachers and child care providers. But this is not a full-scale rollout. This expansion comes in response to new guida...

  • County offers more grants

    Pine Knot News|Jan 29, 2021

    Carlton County has been provided nearly $700,000 in Covid-19 relief grant funds from the state to distribute to eligible businesses and nonprofits hurt by the pandemic. Applications and guidelines will be available online (www.co.carlton.mn.us) and at Carlton County Courthouse on Feb. 1 and applications will be accepted through Feb. 15. The grant money comes from a second round of relief funding from the Minnesota Legislature. Small businesses and nonprofits with up to 50 employees will be eligible, particularly those affected by the most...

  • Tiger is positive for Covid virus

    Pine Knot News|Jan 29, 2021

    A Minnesota tiger was confirmed positive for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19, based on results from the U.S. Department of Agriculture laboratories. The tiger lives at The Wildcat Sanctuary in Pine County. The sanctuary veterinarian reports the 21-year-old female Sumatran/Bengal tiger received supportive care and has recovered. Staff first noticed lions, tigers and cougars displaying symptoms in early January. Shortly after, the veterinarian consulted state animal health officials about testing for SARS-CoV-2 at a private laboratory...

  • Carlton county case numbers

    Pine Knot News|Jan 29, 2021

    Carlton County Covid-19 case numbers increased by 47 cases over the past week, and there were no new deaths from Jan. 20-27. As of Wednesday, Jan. 27, Carlton County had seen a cumulative total of 2,856 Covid-19 cases with 43 deaths, according to the most recent numbers from the Minnesota Department of Health. Also Wednesday, the Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa reported a total of 196 positive tests so far — an increase of one since last week — with 92 of those on the reservation, the same as the week before. The state’s Jan. 21 repo...

  • Husband, wife die hours apart in virus fight

    Mike Creger|Jan 22, 2021

    "You're grounded." That's what Judy Proulx told her 60-something son last week when the thermometer he had purchased for her went on the blink. The impish gesture defined Jim Proulx's mother. "I'm grounded for life," Jim said. He delivered a wistful laugh Wednesday because that joking exchange became the last between the mother and son. Judy died on Jan. 11. A few hours later, her husband since 1959, Jim, also died. "Romantic?" son Jim wondered from his winter home in Yuma, Arizona, where his...

  • Downward trend continues locally, in state

    Pine Knot News|Jan 22, 2021

    Carlton County Covid-19 case numbers increased by 46 cases over the past week, while only one death due to Covid was reported in the county. As of Wednesday, Jan. 13, Carlton County had seen a cumulative total of 2,809 Covid-19 cases and 43 deaths, according to the most recent numbers from the Minnesota Department of Health. Also Wednesday, the Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa reported a total of 195 positive tests so far — an increase of six since last week — with 92 of those on the reservation, also an increase of one. Jan...

  • On your pets: Covid in pets has become a thing

    Jennifer Shepherd|Jan 22, 2021

    In March I wrote a column about Covid and our pets. We have learned a lot about Covid-19 in the past nine months and some of the guidance has since changed. Here is what we know now. Over the past few months, some domestic animals, including dogs, cats, ferrets, and mink have tested positive for Covid-19. There have also been reports of lions and tigers in zoos becoming sick with Covid. However, despite millions of people testing positive for Covid and becoming ill, very few pets have tested positive and developed respiratory signs. As of...

  • Restaurants, bars hit reset ... again

    Jana Peterson|Jan 15, 2021

    Loyalty means a lot in the hospitality industry, especially during a pandemic. So does the ability to adapt. At area restaurants that has meant surviving without indoor dining for months at a time, in part by creating other ways to serve customers. Magnolia Café built a new walk-up window in the front. Pedro's invested in a new online ordering system, after using Facebook messenger to take online orders in the early days. And Ryan Lindstrom and Zach Zezulka of Carmen's Bar and Restaurant...

  • Hospital lands machine for rapid tests

    Pine Knot News staff|Jan 15, 2021

    Community Memorial Hospital in Cloquet is now the owner of a rapid testing device which can produce Covid-19 results in approximately an hour. Once a sample is gathered from a patient using a nasopharyngeal swab, the BioFire diagnostic tool identifies and replicates genetic material to produce a positive or negative Covid result. This instrument can also be used to test for 20 other respiratory diseases, including influenza and strep. The purchase of this equipment was made possible with funds...

  • Blue light displays urged to honor frontline workers

    Pine Knot News|Jan 15, 2021

    Public health staff from 11 county and tribal public health departments have partnered on an intiative called Project Blue Light to honor frontline workers who have been working to keep the community safe during the Covid-19 pandemic. During the week of Jan. 24-31, public health staff from Aitkin, Carlton, Cook, Itasca, Koochiching, Lake, and St. Louis counties — along with Bois Forte, Fond du Lac, Grand Portage and Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe — are asking businesses and individuals to light up the exterior of their home or business with a blu...

  • County creates Covid hotline, messages

    Pine Knot News|Jan 15, 2021

    Carlton County Public Health and Human Services is working with state and federal agencies on vaccine distribution. Residents can call for updates and ask questions at 218-499-6312. A message will share relevant information about the vaccine and an option to talk to a person. County officials are not collecting a list of community members for the vaccine. It is working with employers within the identified vaccination groups on vaccine distribution. They will continue to work through the priority groups until they are able to vaccinate the...

  • State launches vaccine dashboard

    Pine Knot News|Jan 15, 2021

    A public vaccine data dashboard was launched this week to track the progress of Covid-19 vaccine allocation, distribution and administration across Minnesota. The dashboard provides what designers call a “visual and user-friendly way to view key vaccination data for our state.” It includes information on the number of doses promised to the state by the federal government; shipped to Minnesota providers; and administered to Minnesotans. The dashboard will be updated daily. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has promised 541,100 dos...

  • State closures ease as cases ebb

    MPR News|Jan 8, 2021

    The state will allow bars and restaurants to offer indoor dining again next week — with limits — and also allow for movie theaters, museums and other entertainment venues to reopen after being closed since mid-November. The new order, announced Wednesday by Gov. Tim Walz, is set to take effect Monday. It will allow bars and restaurants to operate at 50-percent capacity, with no more than six people to a table or parties of two at the bar. Reservations are required and dine-in service must end by 10 p.m. “Business owners are pretty innov...

  • Donate blood, get Covid antibody test

    Pine Knot News|Jan 8, 2021

    January is National Blood Donor Month, a time to resolve to be a regular blood donor and help save lives. This year a donation also comes with an added bonus: the Red Cross is testing blood donations for Covid-19 antibodies. As part of the effort, plasma from standard blood donations that test positive for Covid-19 antibodies may now be used to help current coronavirus patients in need of convalescent plasma transfusions. Upcoming local blood drives include the following: • St. Francis Catholic Church, 10:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. today, Jan. 8, a...

  • MSOP reports third Covid death

    Pine Knot News|Jan 8, 2021

    On Jan. 1, the Minnesota Sex Offender program reported the third death of a client from Covid-19 at its Moose Lake facility. The prior deaths occurred on Dec. 2 and Dec. 9, 2020. “We mourn his passing and extend our deepest sympathy to those who loved him and called him friend,” said Human Services Commissioner Jodi Harpstead. “The toll the pandemic continues to take in human lives is tragic.” Nearly 740 civilly committed clients receive treatment at MSOP facilities in Moose Lake and St. Peter. Currently, there are no active cases of Covid-1...

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