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Cromwell-Wright News

Remember back in the day when we would hear radio or TV announcements that there were only 15 or 20 shopping days left till Christmas?

Back then, there were all those Christmas catalogs that would come in the mail and the kids would pore over the toy sections until the pages were ripped or almost worn out. I think it was more fun dreaming of all the gifts we wanted as kids than actually getting them for Christmas.

One year my parents were pretty poor and there wasn’t much money for gifts so my dad made all our presents. He made a bouncy rocking horse for my little brother and he made a small table and a dollhouse for my sister and me. He probably made other toys too, but the only ones that are still around are the table and the dollhouse. For the life of me I can’t remember most of the other toys we got over the years, but those made by my dad are still in existence today.

But, I do remember the log cabin quilt that my grandmother handmade for me and, believe it or not, I still have that quilt, even though I thought it had been lost for more than 10 years — then, on the Fourth of July 2015, when I was looking for something else, there it was, in a box in the back of my closet labeled “Grandma’s quilt”! I’m still so thankful it wasn’t accidently given away or lost forever. Now, every time I wrap myself in that quilt I feel just like I’m getting a big hug from my grandma, who died in 1964, and it gives me such a warm and loving feeling!

If you have stories of past Christmases it would be good to share them with your family because once we are gone, so are all those wonderful memories. Even better, write them down!

I’ve also heard of families where all the gifts have to be homemade. Sounds like it would take a lot more planning, but the gifts would certainly come from the heart.

So, maybe this year, each of us can think of at least one gift we could make for someone dear to us. Then, maybe this would catch on and more and more folks would follow this tradition.

Speaking of Christmas …

St. John’s Lutheran Church in Wright will be holding Advent services on Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. Dec. 5, 12, and 19; and their Christmas Eve Service will be at 5:30 p.m. on Dec. 24.

The Villa Vista/Cardinal Court will have their Annual Christmas Family Night on Thursday, Dec. 6, at 6 p.m. All area community members and residents’ families are encouraged to attend this special night!

An invitation from Sarah Mae & the Birkeland Boys — Let’s celebrate the season together: Join them for dinner (by Rich Cuisine catering) and a concert at the Rich Cuisine Event Center, Saturday, Dec. 1 at 5 p.m. in Floodwood. (If you haven’t enjoyed their menu yet, Rich Cuisine lives up to its name!) Tickets at http://www.richcuisine.com.

The winners of the Wrong Days Raffle are as follows: Kevin Powers from Alexandria won the gun; David Jokimaki won the afghan; Ed Raisanen won the $50 cash.

Upcoming events:

Saturday, Dec. 1: Family Christmas Cookie, Frost and Share Event at Bethany Lutheran, 10 a.m.-12 p.m.

Sunday, Dec 2: Advent begins in the Christian faith

Monday, Dec. 3: Yoga at Cromwell Pavilion at 11 a.m.

Tuesday, Dec. 4: Cromwell Area Historical Club meets on ground level of Cardinal Court at 9 a.m. New folks welcome.

Thursday, Dec. 6: Family Night at the Villa Vista/Cardinal Court at 6 p.m. Everyone welcome!

Dec. 8: Bethlehem Lutheran Christmas brunch, bazaar and bake sale, 9 a.m.-12 p.m.

Dec. 10: Yoga at Cromwell Pavilion at 11 a.m.

Dec. 11: Christmas potluck at Cromwell Pavilion, 12 p.m.

Dec. 13: Ruby’s Pantry at Cromwell Pavilion 10-11:30 a.m.

Dec. 18: High School Music Concert 6 p.m.

Dec. 19: Elementary Christmas Program at 6 p.m.

That’s all the news from the Edge of Wright! Only 4 weeks till Christmas, so try to shop locally.