A hometown newspaper with a local office, local owners & lots of local news
By the time you read this in the newspaper, it will almost be the new year, so Bob and I wish you a Happy New Year!
I would also like to thank the newspapers that publish this column and have done so for many years. I started in October 1982 writing the Beseman News when Tillie Solomon was no longer able to do it. I then added the Wright News for Helen Benson and Eleanor Spicer, and finally for Kathleen Entner after she stopped writing the Cromwell News for Eva Alberg. So this column has morphed into the “Wright-Cromwell News,” “News from the Edge of Wright,” or the “Cromwell-Wright News” as it is published in several area papers.
Our sympathy to Shelly Lough and her family on the recent death of her only sibling, brother Dustin Karkiainen, 36, who died Nov. 21, 2018. His memorial service was held Dec. 20 in Floodwood.
Congratulations to Drew Libbon for being honored at the U.S. Bank Stadium as an Academic All-Star at the Minnesota Football Coaches Association All-Star Game Dec. 15. This was a very proud moment for his family and he is a fine representative of the Cromwell-Wright School.
The past few days have been busy with numerous Christmas programs, both at schools and in area churches, all of which were wonderful. We have so many talented directors, performers and helpers that make these programs so wonderful and meaningful. Thank you all for what you do!
The gals that do the “Christmas Caring Program” in our area want to thank everyone who donated money or gifts for the disadvantaged children in our area. They were able to help 20 families give gifts to their kids, who may not have been able to otherwise. This is now the fifth year of this program, so it is growing. They report that some of the families who used this program in the past are now able to get their own gifts and are doing better financially.
School resumes Jan. 2. There is a signup sheet in the school office for students interested in bringing baseball back to Cromwell-Wright. All students in grades 6-12 who are interested in playing baseball this spring are encouraged to sign up. Deadline to sign up is by the next school board meeting, Jan. 9. This is an exploratory signup to see where the interest in baseball at Cromwell-Wright is at this point. For more information, contact Jake Kachinske at 218-391-6765.
There will be NO SCHOOL for students Jan. 28, as teachers and staff will be at a mandatory training.
The Holy Strollers: A new mothers’ group will begin in January! Any mother with kids, infant-age 18, in the Cromwell-Wright area is welcome to attend on the second Wednesday of each month, 6-8 p.m. at Bethany Church. Direct questions to Liz Kabus at 218-428-6733 or Jana Anderson at 218-460-6793.
In honor of the season and all of us Scandinavians, let’s raise our voices in the lutefisk song.
(sung to the tune of “Oh, Christmas Tree”)
O, lutefisk, O, lutefisk, how great is your aroma.
O, lutefisk, O, lutefisk, you put me in a coma.
You smell so strong; you look like glue.
You taste just like an overshoe.
But, lutefisk, come Saturday,
I tink I’ll eat you anyvay.
O, lutefisk, O, lutefisk, I put you in the door vay.
‘Cause I vant you to ripen up
yust like you do in Norvay.
A dog came by and sprinkled you.
I hit him wit an army shoe.
O, lutefisk, now I suppose,
I’ll eat you as I hold my nose
O, lutefish, O, lutefisk, how all the vorld remembers,
On Christmas Eve ve had a feast,
The best von in December.
It vasn’t turkey or fried ham.
It vasn’t even pickled Spam.
My mother knew there vas no risk
In serving buttered lutefisk.
Do you know what would have happened if it had been Three Wise Women instead of Three Wise Men? They would have asked directions, arrived on time, helped deliver the baby, cleaned the stable, made a casserole and brought practical gifts.
That’s all the news from the Edge of Wright — have a great week with family and friends!