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Lammi will lead Cloquet School Board

The new Cloquet School Board met for the first time Monday, Jan. 14 and welcomed "new" board member Gary "Hawk" Huard back to the board after a couple years' hiatus.

It was a mostly uneventful meeting that included election of board officers along with other routine items expected at the first meeting of the year.

Ted Lammi was elected chair for the second year in a row. Dave Battaglia was elected treasurer and Nate Sandman will be the new clerk.

The board voted 5-1 (Huard dissenting) to set its 2019 pay at a higher monthly rate of $225 (versus $200 last year) and the same $50 per diem, plus mileage at the federal reimbursement rate.

Cloquet Senior High Principal Steve Battaglia reported that the auditorium is "torn up" for remodeling but he's excited to see the progress. The board also discussed a requirement for an Americans with Disabilities Act-compliant lift, for getting up onto the stage in the auditorium, that wasn't included in the original plans.

They voted to delay construction of the lift until there is time to plan for it properly.

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