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Wright-Cromwell News

I remember last winter our grandson-in-law took a pan of boiling hot water outside and threw it up into the air to see what would happen. Our granddaughter even recorded it with her cell phone, posted it on YouTube, and it was just beautiful. Almost looked like a mushroom cloud with hundreds of icicles falling from its center and edges. But the trick is to use boiling water, because cold water just won’t work for some reason, I guess it’s the intense heat mixing with the intense cold that really does it. Wonder what this would look like if you threw colored water into the cold air?

Congratulations to Heather Hyland and Michael Saczko of Cloquet, on the birth of a son, Rowan Ray Saczko, on Jan. 8. Rowan is the great-grandson of Vivian and Cloyce Murdock and the grandson of Sheena Rachel and Bryan Hyland.

The ballots for the State Special General Election for Senate District 11 have arrived, but they must be mailed right away to get to the courthouse in Carlton by Feb. 5. If you are concerned your ballot won’t get there in time by mail, you can either drop off your ballot at the courthouse, or vote there in person by 8 p.m. Feb. 5. Questions? Call the auditor’s office at 384-9127.

Time is fleeting: Applications for Cromwell-Wright Dollars for Scholars opened Jan. 1 and will close March 29. Call Kay Smith at 218-591-2860 with questions. Please do not wait till the last minute in case there are “glitches.”

The Dollars for Scholars annual meeting was held on Jan. 23 with special guest Andy French presenting an update on the Edward Jones financial investments. Even with the volatility of the markets recently, the invested funds are doing well. New officers were also elected: president, Kay Smith; vice president, Jennie K. Hanson; secretary, Candie Hakamaki; and treasurer, Tina Rosbacka.

Dollars for Scholars will have its second annual soup supper 4-7 p.m. on Feb. 14 in the commons area. DFS applicants are asked to assist, and anyone needing volunteer hours for any reason may assist. Keep March 30 open too, as that is our annual fundraiser dinner at the pavilion, and we’ll need juniors and seniors to assist with that as well. Thank you.

The One Act Play “Check, Please” will have a community performance at 8 p.m. Thursday,, Feb. 6 in the auditorium. Free-will donations accepted.

Keyboards wanted: The Cromwell-Wright school music department is wondering if you have a keyboard you can donate! Call Mrs. Varo at 218-644-3737, ext. 3100, if you do.

Do you have a spare room collecting dust? Do you enjoy learning about other cultures? Do you like teenagers?

Exchange students will arrive next fall, for a full year or one semester. Make a student’s dream come true! Host an exchange student. Contact Mrs. Wester

at [email protected].

Community yoga is scheduled at the Cromwell Pavilion on Mondays from 11 a.m. to noon on Feb. 5, 12, and 19. Any questions, call Ann Markusen at 218-428-3300 or email [email protected].

Everyone is invited to a Valentine’s dinner fundraiser at Bethany Lutheran 4-6:30 p.m. Feb. 12. In addition to the main course, the meal includes salad, dessert and beverage. $10/Adult and $5/Student age 12 and under. RSVP to the church office at 218-644-3640 or [email protected].

If you are interested in singing in a community choir cantata for a Good Friday service on April 19, please contact Deb Switzer at 218-340-1968 or Marie Morse at 218-485-1279. Practices will begin in February.

Just Friends of Esko will be providing choral music at Bethany Lutheran Church on Sunday, Feb. 3 at 10:30 a.m. Sue (Walli) Shelerud, a Cromwell graduate, is a member of this excellent choral group. There will also be a Super Bowl chili feed after the service.

More new members, Brad and Marienella Karkiainen and Don Hutar, were welcomed into the church family at Bethlehem Lutheran on Jan. 27. A parish vote was also taken at the annual meeting on whether the Bethany-Bethlehem Parish should go to a half-time pastor position due to budget concerns. When the results are in, more information will follow as to what each congregation will be doing to fill this possible new position.

The Lake Country Power informational meeting for our area and light supper will be on Wednesday, Feb. 6 at the Cromwell Pavilion starting at 5 p.m. All power company owners are encouraged to attend.

Have a great week from the Edge of Wright! Stay warm!

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