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Why I think this area is a great place to live!

There is so much negative communication out there today that I just want to share a positive one regarding this area of Minnesota.

I have lived in northern Minnesota all my life, and this area of Carlton County for most of it. I have been a pastor in the area for over 20 years.

I am sure all who are reading this have heard people complain about this area. They complain about the weather, the economy, the politics, the schools, and the list can go on. At times I have even been one of those people seeing the glass half empty, focusing on the problems and things I wish would be more to my liking and beliefs. It seems that nationwide this thought process has become a cultural norm and is leading to more division and outrage.

I don't want to be part of that group, but wish to be a person of hope and thankfulness. Each one of us should strive to be a strength and hope to those around us and not bearers of negativeness, disappointment and anger. One way to be a strength to others is to make the most of the friendships you have. I have lived on this earth for many years and have found one of the greatest gifts life has granted me is the true friendships that have developed in my life by living in this area. These friendships have had much more impact on me than weather, economy, politics or anything else.

The following are two examples of how living in this area has been a great blessing to me and my family - maybe they will stir up how living in this area has blessed you.

I have been blessed by developing a deep friendship with many of the other pastors in the area. Even though we may live under different denominational names with minor variations in doctrines, we have become friends and consider each other brothers in Christ. We support and protect one another. Friendships have been made with many believers attending many of the area churches and these friendships have gone a long way to breaking down the walls of division in the Christian community. We are told this is rare and the relationship and interaction we have here is not seen in other areas and locals.

Another example is when the economy crashed in 2008 and our business failed. It was not just devastating financially, but emotionally. I felt like a failure in many ways and thought the area would see me the same way I was feeling. I could not have been more wrong! Bankers, business owners, customers, neighbors and even many of the local churches offered such support and friendship my wife and I were left speechless. This support really helped us get through a very tough time in our lives.

I could go on but my point I believe is made. What has made this area such a great place to live is the friendships and relationships that have grown over time and in a small town environment. Some may disagree, but I believe if most really look around at their neighborhoods, churches, organizations and friendships, they will probably agree.

Take advantage of the small town environment we have in this area. Reach out and get involved with the needs of others and you may be surprised at the friendships that may develop.

Pastor John Napoli is pastor at the River of Life Church at 1002 Carlton Ave. in Cloquet.