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Wright-Cromwell news

Why is that we spend most of our lives wishing we could stay in bed longer during our working life, and now that we are retired and can sleep late, we can’t? I hear so many retired folks saying they wish they could sleep longer in the mornings, but with the habit of rising early for so many years, the body clock just wants to get up and get going at the same time when we are retired.

Oh, and speaking of early risers, this coming Sunday we turn our clocks ahead so will lose another hour of sleep. By next week the sun won’t set until after 7 p.m. Won’t that be great!

Our winter up here in northern Minnesota sure has been a record breaker. We haven’t had a day above 32 degrees for more than 55 days. What’s up with this, Mother Nature? We are tired of this longer-than-usual winter now, you can give it up!

There was standing room only for the gathering of family and friends at Keith Goranson’s Celebration of Life last week. His family did a great job of welcoming so many folks and taking the time to cherish the memory of their husband, dad, granddad, brother, uncle and friend. Dean Goranson writes, “I really do not know exactly how to express my gratitude to everyone who took the time to message, call and then attend the service for my dad today. I live in such a great community with such great individuals. The sheer volume of people today was unbelievable. My dad sure was loved … and it was very humbling for my boys and I to see that. Thank you again, each and every one of you. I do not know how I can begin to repay you. You all rock.” Dean, there is no repayment necessary. You had a great dad, you were a great son and it shows!

A combined worship service for Pastor Pat McCormack’s last day with Bethlehem Lutheran, Bethany Lutheran, and United Methodist of Cromwell was March 3. Good luck and godspeed in your new ministry opportunities!

Cromwell Mayor Sharon Zelazny let me know that the city will once again participate in the Minnesota FoodShare’s March Campaign’s Mayor’s Challenge. You’ll find food shelf donation boxes at Cromwell Medical Clinic, the Municipal Liquor Store, Cromwell Self Serve, and Cromwell City Hall. Cromwell won the challenge last year and she’s hoping for another good year. Any food donations are appreciated.

Keyboards wanted!!! Our school music department is wondering if you have a keyboard you can donate! Call Mrs. Varo at 218-644-3737 ext. 3100 if you do! Thank you!

Cromwell-Wright archery: On March 23, our school will be hosting our second regional 3D archery tournament at the Cromwell-Wright School and we’re seeking vendors/crafters interested in showing their wares. If interested, please contact Kyle Ridlon at 262-388-0608 for details.

Participate in community yoga 11 a.m.-12 p.m. every Monday in March at the Cromwell Pavilion. Questions? Call Ann Markusen at 218-428-3300 or email [email protected].

Save the date: The second annual Father-Daughter Ball at the Cromwell Park Pavilion. Sponsored by the Cromwell Area Community Club.

St. John’s Lenten Services are as follows: Lenten services will be at 5:30 p.m. No Maundy Thursday service. Good Friday service at 5:30 p.m. Easter Sunday services at 10:30 a.m.

The Wright Senior Citizens are having a St. Patrick’s Day BINGO on Saturday, March 16 from 1 p.m. to 4 p .m. Two cards for 25 cents, and finger food will be provided.

With the closing of Ruby’s Pantry in Brookston, the one in Cromwell on the second Thursday of the month continues to grow. Remember, anyone one can participate and it’s just $20 a share, so stop in on March 14 between 10 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. and check it out. Bring your own boxes and bags. Volunteers are always welcome to help; just show up at 7:30 or 8 a.m.

YOT meets at the Cardinal Court at noon Tuesday, March 12 for their regular monthly meeting. It’s potluck this time, so bring your favorite dish to share. The first YOT Dance is scheduled for March 28.

Don’t forget there is a Little Free Library, “The Cardinal Book Nook,” located at the Cromwell Medical Clinic. Everyone is welcome to borrow or bring books to this location. Please do not leave books unless there is room for them. If no room, try again in a few weeks.

Here are more Irish jokes to share:

What do you call a big Irish spider?

Paddy long legs!

What happens if you cross poison ivy with a four-leaf clover?

You get a rash of good luck!

That’s all the news from the Edge of Wright, and remember to take part in this year’s March FoodShare opportunities. Have a great week!

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