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LETTER to the editor: Wrenshall should focus on recruiting students

To the editor:

In Wrenshall once again, a $14.4 million plan for building improvements has been presented by ARI Architects and Kraus-

Anderson, after already being defeated twice within 18 months.

Recent news tells us of the Floodwood school district’s need to increase property taxes because their student population has declined, as families have fewer children, and without a surrounding area to draw from.

As the speaker from Kraus- Anderson stated, students are dollars.

Wrenshall has room as well for 100-140 more students, meaning $750,000 to $1 million in state aid, and without our taxes increasing.

Now, unlike Floodwood, Wrenshall has the opportunity to market its schools through open enrollment by spending resources to increase enrollment, rather than bombarding us with referendums, hiring architects and purchasing “Vote Yes” signs.

Duluth’s Red Plan has caused students to look elsewhere for education, so fill the existing building or don’t bother residents, as without the 200 out-of-area students already enrolled, the school would no longer exist.

Voting “no” again.

Tim Kaspari, Wrenshall

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