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New Wine presents 'Godspell'

It's spring in Carlton County, and that means it's time for the latest theatrical production by New Wine, a Christian youth musical/drama ministry of Zion Lutheran Church in Cloquet.

Always musical, the choice of production changes every year. This year the group is doing "Godspell," a well-known rock opera that broke new ground when it was first produced on Broadway in 1971.

Based on the Gospel according to St. Matthew, Godspell deals with the final days of Jesus Christ and includes several dramatized versions of well-known parables in a performance that will bring the audience to laughter and tears.

This year's cast includes 52 kids from 17 congregations and six different schools.

"One of the beauties of New Wine is how the actors get to know other kids they normally wouldn't, from different churches and schools," said Naomi Palmquist, one of several volunteer coordinators. "It's fun for parents too."

The name "New Wine" was inspired by the fifth chapter of Luke where Jesus challenges people to get rid of the old categories in which they thought about religion and relationships with God, and "pour our new wine into new wineskins."

Performances of Godspell will start at 7 p.m. each night, May 1-5, at Zion Lutheran Church in Cloquet. Tickets are $12 each and may be purchased online at http://www.newwine.ludus.com or at the Zion Lutheran Church office 7:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Monday through Friday or Sundays after church. All the New Wine student participants are selling tickets too. Call Zion at 218-879-4647 with questions.

The ticket price includes the performance and dessert and a beverage during intermission.

Amanda Olsen is the theatrical director and Jennifer Osborne is the musical director of the New Wine troupe.