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Wright-cromwell news

Summer must be on its way! How do I know? Well, the first Wrong Days in Wright meeting was held at Kalli’s in Wright on Monday, April 22. The planning committee is comprised of chairperson Linda Kalli, treasurer Leslie Hutar and committee members Darci Dahl, Faith Nyberg, and Jennie K. Hanson. Others who were not able to attend are Jake Kachinske, Rick Gresczyk, Mike Davis (buttons), and Minettie Juhl.

Wrong Days will be held July 19-21 this year. It is always on the third Saturday of July, and this year it just so happens to fall on the 50th anniversary of the first moon landing.

The meeting was held to discuss the events to be included on the poster, prizes to be included in the raffle, and general coordination of this year’s Wrong Days in Wright festival. The general consensus was that all the regular events will take place, with some of them being expanded to make the events more interesting. The one addition this year will be a live band Saturday night with former Wright native Jason Benson, and his band from the Hoyt Lakes area. If you have any ideas for WDs please let Linda Kalli (218-878-7876) or any of the committee members know. The next meeting will be at Kalli’s at 6 p.m. Monday, May 20, so please plan to attend with your ideas or if you are willing to help out.

I’m hoping our students and staff had a very restful spring break and are now back at school for the final push to the end of the school year. As of this writing, there are about only three weeks of school left.

I see that the Cromwell Area Community Club had its annual cleanup day and the Adopt-A-Highway through Cromwell is complete. It’s always amazing to me how much garbage gets left in the ditches along Highway 210, but it sure looks great now. Thanks to all the volunteers who were able to participate.

With cleanup in mind, the members of Bethlehem Lutheran are asked to stay after church on Sunday, May 5 for both indoors and outdoors cleanup day. There are several projects lined up, so it is hoped that many can help out.

The guest speaker at worship services at Bethlehem and Bethany on May 5 will be Bonnie Pinnow. Let’s all try to come and make her feel welcome in the pulpit. It’s not just anyone who can fill the shoes of a pastor while both churches are in the process of calling a part-time pastor.

Community Yoga will meet 11 a.m.-12 p.m. Monday, May 6 and 13 at the Cromwell Pavilion. Any questions, call Ann Markusen at 218-428-3300 or email [email protected].

The Cromwell Sno-Gophers 36th annual bingo fundraiser will be held 6 p.m. Friday, May 3 at the Cromwell Sno-Gophers Clubhouse at 1247 Highway 73 North. Lots of great prizes! Fun for all ages!

The Cardinal Quilters Guild will be at Bethlehem Church in Wright 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday, May 4. New quilters are always welcome.

The Tamarack Presbyterian Church’s annual spaghetti supper will be held 4-7 p.m. Saturday, May 4. As always it is “all you can eat” with salads and desserts. $8 for 13 years and up, $3 for 6-12 years old, and free for age 5 and under.

Ruby’s Pantry will be at the Cromwell Pavilion 10-11:30 a.m. Thursday, May 9.

Bethlehem Lutheran’s annual mother-daughter tea and luncheon will take place at the church at 1:30 p.m. Saturday, May 11. Hear by Faith will provide special music. All area women and girls are encouraged to attend this special way to celebrate Mother’s Day.

Plan to attend the May meeting of the Young Old Timers on Tuesday, May 14 at 12 p.m. at the Cromwell Park Pavilion. Lunch is served at noon.

Graduating seniors in the community will be honored at the 10:30 a.m. worship service Sunday, May 19 at Bethany Lutheran Church. Plan to stay for fellowship.

With the end of the school year coming up, here is a bit of advice. If you give each letter of the alphabet a number as in A=1, B=2, C=3 and so on, these words have numerical value: KNOWLEDGE = 96%, HARD WORK = 98%, and ATTITUDE = 100%. So, when you put them into practice, you will have success!

If you have any news for this column, please send it to me before Monday mornings.

That’s all the news from the Edge of Wright!

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