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Wright-cromwell news

Congratulations to Luc and Suzy Goodin on the birth of their third child. Daughter Ariahlyn Valinor was born May 1. She is also welcomed by her sisters Kieriahna, 10, and Emberleigh, 1, and grandparents Carol and Keith Laine, and Mark and Linda Dahlman.

Our sincere sympathy to the family of Stephen Richard Krogh, 72, of Duluth, who died at St. Luke’s Hospital April 22. A memorial service is planned for 2 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 17 at Cromwell United Methodist Church.

I was saddened to hear of the recent death of Kathryn Mary Vigliaturo, 84, of Carlton, who passed away April 30 in Oak Terrace Senior Living in Jordan, Minn. She was a member of the Carlton County Retired Educators for many years and those who knew her will miss her. Visitation is scheduled for 11 a.m. until the 12 p.m. memorial service Saturday, May 11, in Atkins Northland Funeral Home, Cloquet. Lunch and fellowship will follow.

Prom Grand March is at 4:30 p.m. Saturday, May 11, in the auditorium. Everyone is welcome. Pictures for attendees start at 3:30 p.m and will end at 4:15 p.m.

Community yoga: 11 a.m.-12 p.m. Monday, May 13 at the Cromwell Park Pavilion. There will be no sessions May 20 and 27. Questions, call Ann Markusen 218-428-3300 or email [email protected].

Bethlehem Lutheran’s annual Mother Daughter tea and luncheon will take place at the church Saturday, May 11 at 1:30 p.m. Hear by Faith will provide music. All area women and girls are encouraged to attend this special way to celebrate Mother’s Day.

Graduating seniors in the community will be honored May 19 at Bethany Lutheran Church at the 10:30 a.m. worship service. Plan to stay for fellowship.

Extreme Teens Youth group: Bonfire and flashlight hide-and-seek for sixth- through ninth-graders at Bethlehem Church in Wright 7-10 p.m. Friday, May 17. Bring a flashlight, lawnchair, and marshmallow roaster if you have one. We will provide hotdogs, chips, pop, and s’mores.

Plan to attend the May meeting of the Young Old Timers at 12 p.m. Tuesday, May 14 at the Cromwell Park Pavilion. Lunch is served at noon.

The Bethany-Bethlehem memorial committee will hold a memorial service at the Villa Vista on Monday, May 20 at 10 a.m. in remembrance of residents who have passed away recently. Community members are encouraged to attend.

On May 21 the Villa Vista/Cardinal Court is honoring volunteers who so faithfully participate in activities entertaining the residents or helping in so many various ways. The lives of the residents are enhanced by so many volunteers and visitors who give of their time and talents. Thank you, volunteers, and a big thank-you to the owners for giving our community such a wonderful place for our family and friends to live out their golden years.

The Cromwell area variety show and silent auction will be held Friday, June 28, at the Cromwell Park Pavilion, after the steak fry.

The Cromwell Area Community Club is inviting contributions to our silent auction of one-of-a-kind artworks — items you’ve designed and made yourself for this fourth annual event. Also seeking musicians, singers, dancers, comedians, and readers — any kind of performance that delights — for our variety show following the steak fry. Please call or email Ann Markusen, 218-428-3300 or [email protected] to join.

Linda Kalli, Leslie Hutar, Darci Dahl, Faith Nyberg and Jennie K. Hanson attended the first meeting of the Wrong Days in Wright Committee April 22 at Kalli’s in Wright. Items for discussion included events to be included on poster, raffle prizes, and the general coordination of this year’s event held July 19-21. Also discussed was the possibility of having a dunk tank, as suggested by several people attending last year’s event, and the need to find people to organize it and run it. Jana Anderson has agreed to look into this. The next meeting is at 6 p.m. Monday, May 13, at Kalli’s. All other community organizations are encouraged to participate in Wrong Days. Let the committee know your plans so you can be included on the WD’s poster. The one addition this year will be a band Saturday night: former Wright native Jason Benson and his band Loose Change from the Hoyt Lakes area. If you have any ideas, let Linda Kalli (218-878-7876) or any of the committee members know.

School dates:

l High school music concert: Thursday, May 16, at 6 p.m.

l Grandparents Day program: Friday, May 17, at 1 p.m., all welcome.

l Track and Field Day for fifth and sixth grade: 9-11 a.m. and 12:15-2:30 p.m. Friday, May 24.

l Regular school board meeting: 6 p.m. Wednesday, May 22.

l Class of 2019 graduation: 7 p.m. Friday, May 24

If you have any news for this column, please send it to me by Sunday.

That’s all the news from the Edge of Wright. Have a safe and successful fishing opener, and Happy Mother’s Day.

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