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Community Connections

“Sometimes it takes only one act of kindness and caring to change a person’s life.” ~ Jackie Chan

Many people describe volunteers as being kind or caring people. And it is true. These honorable character traits are often at the heart of service.

But do you ever wonder, on a practical level, what motivates volunteers?

The following reasons are what we hear most often from our retired volunteers. Some say they are looking for something to do in retirement, while others volunteer for the social aspect. Some simply comment they want to “make a difference,” while others want to give back. They want to be there for others, the same way people were there for them, when they were going through a rough time. Whatever the situation, don’t underestimate the value of a kind word or deed, volunteering or not. We know that often what people are experiencing is often far different than the façade we see.

If any of the motivations listed above resonate with you, and you would like some ideas on ways to get involved, please feel free to call Volunteer Services.

Whatever your reason for volunteering, we will work with you to find a good match for you. Volunteers serve in just about every wonderful way imaginable. Just a few options are listed below.


Refire!: Volunteer Services of Carlton County, Inc. is hosting weekly meetings Mondays at noon, featuring a delicious luncheon and guest speakers or entertainment. The meetings encourage a healthy lifestyle and are geared toward adults 55 and over, although everyone is welcome. Cost is $7 for age 55 and older; $10 for all others. Registration required, call 218-879-9238 by noon Thursday.

Carlton Wellness Center – Fitness programs

designed to meet the individual needs of older adults and varied fitness levels at 199 Chestnut Ave., Carlton. Call 218-384-1115 for more.

If you are interested in volunteering or would like information, please call Volunteer Services and ask for Cathy Niemi, RSVP Director, at 218-879-9238, x102.