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Popular county auditor Gassert will retire after 29 years

By the end of next week, Paul Gassert will retire from his job as Carlton County auditor/treasurer. Gassert has been with the county since 1990 and is one of the longest-serving elected officials in the county.

Gassert announced his decision to retire effective May 31 at the tail end of the Carlton County Board of Commissioners meeting on May 14.

Chairman Dick Brenner said Gassert's announcement caught the County Board completely by surprise. "Thinking about it after the shock was over, I respected Paul's decision to make this move," Brenner said. "He is well-liked and respected in the county. He seems to know most people by their first name. Paul has been skillful and well-reasoned in his official duties and has left an enduring impact on efficient, yet caring, county government for our people. It will be hard to find a replacement as capable as he has been in his service."

The County Board has the authority to appoint a temporary auditor/treasurer until one is chosen through election.

Gassert comes from an old Moose Lake family which has been in the implement/recreational business since the 1940s. Graduating from Moose Lake High School and further training as an accountant, he worked for the Anderson/Peterson accounting firm in Moose Lake early in his career.

"I took some time off from work and went to visit my brother, Pete, in France," he said. "My mother got in contact with me that a job had opened up in the auditor's office in Carlton. I applied, came back home, was interviewed. The next Monday I started working at the courthouse."

Al Naslund was the Carlton County Auditor at the time. Naslund was from Barnum and had married an Ellefson girl from Moose Lake. The Ellefson family ran the International farm dealership in Moose Lake. The Butkiewicz/Gassert families - soon to be just the Gassert family - ran the John Deere dealership in town.

Naslund retired in 1990 and Gassert was elected the Carlton County Auditor.

When asked why he's retiring now, at age 60, Paul responded, "I have worked long enough to have my years in for PERA (Public Employees Retirement Association) and maybe will be able to spend more time with my family in Moose Lake."

The special primary and general elections for District 11 senator were a factor as well.

"The problems with repeated special elections this winter, with not enough time for citizens to get their votes in, made this retirement decision easier," Gassert said. "With a presidential primary vote looming this next February, I couldn't see myself working on something new for an election."

When asked what strengths are needed in the job to be successful, Gassert suggested "an accounting degree, but not necessarily as a CPA, is a must with administrative ability and some real estate experience."

"To be successful, you can learn most things but what is most important is an ability to deal with people positively," Gassert said. "My office is up-front on dealing with the public every day and addressing their concerns."

"My staff in both offices are well trained and very capable," he said. "I do know one thing - in this transition period, things will be OK."