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Esko approves comprehensive plan consultant

The Thomson Township board approved the hiring of a comprehensive plan consultant at its June 6 meeting. The current comprehensive plan is 20 years old and township officials are working on updating it.

Planning and zoning commission chairman Dale Reed reported the review of three responses to the request for proposals and was most impressed with MSA Professional Services. The board approved moving forward with hiring the company. Thomson Township already has a relationship with MSA; it acts as the township’s engineers.

In other business, the board approved liquor licenses for Esko Liquors and Eskomo Pizza Pies. It also reviewed bids for paving Marks Road. The board accepted a bid from KGM Contractors and also agreed with the advice from the town engineers to complete the entire paving project, rather than the minimum portion, as the price quoted by KGM was very reasonable. The town will be spending about $231,000.

The board also accepted the only bid for crack sealing from Sinnott Blacktop for $22,000. The bid was slightly higher than the board expected, but only one company bid on the project, rather than the five bids it was hoping for.

A change to the benefits package offered to township employees was discussed. A flex spending account will be offered. A portion of the employee’s pay is deposited into the account for federally accepted uses, such as daycare expenses. The town will spend about $400 per year on administering such accounts but saves on its contribution to the employee’s taxes, so the cost is balanced out. Board members agreed that the additional employee benefit will help attract more candidates to future opportunities and was worth the nominal cost.

There is an opening for a part-time maintenance and cleaning position, which the board may consider splitting into two positions. A new copier is being considered for the township office. Gravel has been purchased for road projects. Public works employee Logan Saline reported that the quality of the gravel is exceptional and the price reasonable.

Resident John Bergman, who has been working with the township on a project to offer commercial wireless internet from an existing ham radio tower on his property, attended the meeting to clarify the next steps he needs to take to bring the project to fruition.

North Country Ride and the Esko Class of 2019 both sent thank-you notes to the board for its donations to their events.

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