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Cromwell-Wright News

Well, it’s here. Wright will celebrate its 54th annual Wrong Days in Wright this weekend. For those of you who have come many times, you know the routine. For those of you who may be coming for the first time, you will find lots to do and enjoy.

Here are just some of the events you can enjoy on Friday: the steak fry, royalty coronation, pie sale and O-G-N-I-B at Bethlehem, fireworks, music in the park, vendors, softball tourney, cook shack and beer garden, and St. John’s rummage sale.

On Saturday, we have Wrong Days events all day, including a pancake breakfast, the parade at 10:30 a.m., live music at 1 p.m., and Jason Benson’s band Loose Change at night. There are vendors, softball and bean bag tourneys, raffle drawings, the cook shack and beer garden, and St. John’s Rummage sale again.

On Sunday, there is community worship at the Evangelical Free Church at 10 a.m.

So, come one, come all and greet your friends, relatives and neighbors at this very special once-a-year gathering in Wright.

Wrong Days is also celebrating the 50th anniversary of the July 20, 1969, Apollo 11 moon landing. It was 50 years ago that this historic event took place and anyone age 55 or older should have some memory of this event.

You are invited to attend a special dedication ceremony at the Lakeside Cemetery Saturday. Two of the earliest pioneers, Isaak & Maria Walli, will be remembered for their generous donation of land to the Lakeside community in 1906, to serve as a final resting place for the pioneers, settlers, family and friends of Lakeside and surrounding communities. We will gather at the cemetery, located two miles south on Finn Road off Highway 210 between Wright and Tamarack at 2 p.m. to dedicate a memorial plaque and enjoy a brief program of the history of the cemetery and the people of the Lakeside Community. Coffee and bars will be served immediately after at the Lakeside clubhouse, just down the road from the cemetery. It will be a great time to catch up with neighbors, friends and relatives while they visit and enjoy the accordion music of Steve Solkela from Aurora. You won’t want to miss it.

Derek Suhonen, formerly of Wright, is currently working as a ranchhand at the Schaffs Angus Valley farm in St. Anthony, N.D. He fences, helps during calving season, makes hay ... all the typical farm stuff — just on a much bigger scale. Schaffs Angus Valley recently set the record for the highest-selling bull. One of their bulls just sold for $1.51 million this spring. They have more than 100 bulls leased to major artificial insemination companies.

Jerry’s One Man Band will be providing the entertainment at the YOT senior dance 1-4 p.m. Thursday, July 25 at the Cromwell Pavilion. Dances are the fourth Thursday, March through October.

Community yoga meets 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. Monday, July 29 at the Cromwell Pavilion.

There’s cribbage every Tuesday at 6 p.m. at the Villa Vista.

The 2019 Harvest Fest scheduled for Sept. 6-8 has been canceled due to the Cromwell Area Community Club’s limited resources. If you are interested in being involved in future Harvest Fests, please join them at the next CACC meeting 6 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 1 at the Cromwell Park Pavilion; send a note to the CACC at P.O. Box 190, Cromwell MN 55726; or talk to any CACC member.

The CACC debated the subject for 90 minutes on July 8 before reaching this conclusion. The discussion centered around the need for individual members to be responsible for pieces of the fest from start to finish. Most members are able to help out for only a short while, leaving full responsibility for the details to the officers, and typically just two or three of them. They also discussed putting out a plea for help with a deadline of July 31, but members felt there would not be enough time to properly organize Harvest Fest if they waited that long. Eleven were in favor of canceling and three were not.

This by no means will affect the continuation of the CACC. They will still be a vital part of the community, and membership is still encouraged. Members present at the meeting were Ed Pung, Cherie Pung, Ed Raisanen, Lindsay Lally, Barb Dahl (new member), Sharon Zelazny, Ann Markusen, Lynn Odegaard, Cherie Nyberg, Diane Knoben, Brenda Nyberg, Patti McPhail, Gary Peterson, Barb Peterson and Deb Switzer.

Diane Knoben agreed to chair raffles going forward, handling it from start to finish, and we agreed to hold only one raffle a year. Barb Dahl agreed to chair the Hunters Supper. Ann Markusen agreed to chair another variety show. We discussed eliminating the June steak fry, a longstanding tradition in Cromwell. No one else agreed to take on any of the events, leaving everything else to the officers.

That’s all the news from the Edge of Wright. Get involved and stay happy.

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