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Cromwell-Wright News

The Wrong Days Raffle winners were: first place – Randy Sorensen, second place – Gwen Koecher (Barnum), third place – Bob Howard (Wright), and fourth place – Tom Hansen. The button drawing cash winners were $100 to Clifford Line, $50 to Bob Schultz and $25 to Cindy Jatkola. We thank everyone for purchasing raffle tickets or WD buttons. All tickets and buttons were sold out, so next year be sure to buy yours early.

There will also be a prize next year for the person or group bringing in the most old Wrong Days buttons from each year for the past 54 years: that’s 1966-2019. Duplicate buttons do not count — just one button per year. My whole collection burned up in the fire at Minetties in January, so I am also looking for some of the earliest buttons so I can make a new display. Please me know if you have some to donate or enter in the button contest; call me at 218-357-2385.

Susan Burns sent this news: Friends and family gathered on July 20, 2019 at Deer Lake Orchard in Buffalo, Minnesota to celebrate the marriage of Karilena Heikkila and Brent Black. Kari is the daughter of Susan Burns and granddaughter of Ann and Wesley Heikkila. Calvin Heikkila created the flower arrangements with all the flowers picked from the Heikkila property. Also attending the celebration were Wesley’s twin sister, Evelyn, and her son Jeff from Pueblo, Colorado. It was a beautiful ceremony and perfect day for a celebration, which was enjoyed by all who attended.

The 13th annual Karl Kalli Memorial golf tournament will take place Friday, Aug. 2 at the Cloquet Country Club, starting at 11 a.m. Karl Kalli graduated from Cromwell High School in 1959 and his family has been honoring his memory by holding this tournament. The proceeds go to the Cromwell-Wright sports programs.

The next meeting of the Carlton County Triad is Wednesday, Aug. 7 at 10 a.m. at the Moose Lake police department. Hope to see you there. Triad is a national community policing initiative of law enforcement professionals, seniors and community groups partnering to meet the crime-safety needs of seniors.

Lake Country Power’s annual Member Appreciation Days is here again. Lake Country Power will celebrate co-op membership with a picnic lunch and fun activities 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 14 at the Kettle River Service Center at 4065 Highway 73 South.

Save the date: Villa Vista/Cardinal Court and Family Pride 4-H will hold their annual carnival 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 7 with lots of great activities for residents, their families and the public. There will be a fire truck and ambulance display, photo fun booth, root beer floats, fish pond, cake walk, bounce house, face painting, cotton candy, bean bag toss, hot dogs, popcorn and ring toss. They are in need of tents in case of rain or lots of sunshine.

The fourth annual Wounded Warriors United-Minnesota Motorcycle Ride is Saturday, Aug. 10 at the Cromwell Pavilion. Registration starts at 10:30 a.m., with kickstands up at 12 p.m. The fee of $20 per person or $30 per couple includes great food, raffle ticket and free camping. Not riding? Come anyway — there will be horseshoes, and a bean bag tournament with a 50 percent payout to the winning team. The day ends with live music by Aftershock, and silent auction and raffle prizes. The nonprofit organization provides all-inclusive events at no cost to our wounded warriors, including hunting, fishing, camping, and sporting and social events. To donate items for the raffle, pre-register for the ride, or for more information, call Logan at 218-390-1699 or visit wwumn.org or their Facebook page, Wounded Warriors United-


The Diamond Match reunion picnic will be on Sunday, Aug. 4 at Northridge Park in Esko. It’s a potluck, so bring a dish to share. Coffee, water and lemonade will be provided. Bring your own chairs. All former Diamond Match employees, spouses and family are encouraged to attend.

Don’t forget that Ma and Pa Kettle Days are Aug. 8-11 in Kettle River.

The Farmers Co-op’s 100th annual meeting will be held Tuesday, Aug. 13 at the Wright Senior building at 6:30 p.m. All shareholders and the public are welcome to attend.

The next Young Old Timers Meeting will be at the Cromwell Pavilion on Tuesday, Aug. 13 at 12 p.m. Come for lunch at noon, and stay for the special events. New members or visitors are always welcome.

The YOT nominated Oscar Eliason and Barb Dahl for this year’s 2019 male and female Outstanding Senior Citizens of Carlton County. We don’t know yet if they were chosen, but they will be honored at the county fair on Friday, Aug. 16 whether they are chosen or not. The Cromwell-Wright area has been well-represented at the fair since this program began back in 1981 when Helen Benson was the first female chosen. I have the complete list for anyone who would be interested in reading it. Let me know, and I can email it to you.

Did you know that you can get the whole Carlton County fair book online? Look it up at carltoncountyfairmn.com and you will find all the details there..

That’s all the news from the Edge of Wright!

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