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Esko kicks off 'Fun Days'

The first Davis Helberg Community Impact Award was presented during the Esko Seniors Picnic Lunch Wednesday as part of the annual Esko Fun Days festivities.

Davis Helberg spent much of his time improving his community through his work on the boards of the Esko Educational Foundation, the Esko Tree Board, the Esko Historical Society, the Carlton County Historical Society and the Esko Sports Alliance.

Helberg also helped create the Esko Alliance Hall of Fame, and edited both "Esko's Corner: An Illustrated History of Thomson Township" and "Thomson Township's Night of Terror."

Helberg proudly exhibited his love for his town until his death in 2018. The award remembers Helberg and is given to an Esko community member who shows "​stoic determination, tenacity of purpose, grit, bravery, resilience, and hardiness and has shown exceptional dedication to the community of Esko."

One such citizen was Albert Leonard Winterquist, who won the award posthumously for his service to the Esko community as the Esko school superintendent from 1919 to 1945.

The 1918 fires left scars on entire communities as it ripped through town after town across Carlton County. After the fire, communities enlisted the help of many strong-willed citizens, such as Winterquist, to help recover and rebuild from the remains of towns and homes.

During that time, Winterquist promoted Esko spirit by building two new schools and two homes to shelter the district's teachers, and helped establish programs such as a 4-H club and the Thomson Township fair.

According to the speech given by Emily Krueger, Winterquist also rescued school buses stalled by snowstorms and encouraged local farming families to send their children to secondary school.

Winterquist died in 1964, The award was presented to his grandchildren Marge Doty and Tim Younggren. Marge was the one who nominated her grandfather and described him as a man who "left a wonderful legacy of service, love, devotion, and kindness."


Esko Fun Days

Events began Tuesday with the National Night Out and continue thropugh this weekend.

Friday, Aug. 9

• History Mystery Medallion Hunt 9 a.m.

• Bingo at Northridge Park Pavilion 5-7 p.m.

• Movie in Northridge Park, "Mary Poppins Returns" 7:45-9:45 p.m.

Saturday, Aug.1

• Kristen Burkholder 5K at the Esko High School football field. Packets at 7:45 a.m. Awards at 10 a.m.

• Parade at 11 a.m. from St. Matthews parking lot to the sports complex

• At Northridge Park, 12-2 p.m .: BBQ and kids' games, cornhole tournament.

• Street dance at Esko Fire Hall 7-11 p.m.

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