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County auditor job to return to appointed status

With little public input, the Carlton County commissioners unanimously voted to change the Office of Auditor/Treasurer from an elected to an appointed position.

Cloquet’s Clarence Badger was the only person to address the board during the public hearing, and he opposed the change.

“It is not right to have just five people choose an important county leader,” Badger said. “Elected offices should not be taken away from the people’s right to choose.”

The hearing was held during the Aug. 12 regular board meeting of the county commissioners and closed within 15 minutes. One letter to chair Dick Brenner had been written in support of making the office appointive.

Badger pointed out during his presentation, “Let people vote for the person who holds that job. Voters should know that the person is a resident and vested and affected by the decisions made by county government.”

The board’s decision will not be effective for 30 days. During that period 10 percent of the registered voters can call for an election on the issue through a petition. If a valid petition on the issue is accepted, the board’s action would be rescinded until an election is held.

“The County Recorder has not been an elected official for 20 years and the two people holding that position have done a good job,” commissioner Marv Bodie said.

Commissioner Gary Peterson pointed out that an auditor/treasurer must have credentials, an educational degree.

“There is a possibility someone could file and be elected without training and cause problems. Not everyone is Paul [Gassert],” Peterson said, referring to Paul Gassert, who retired May 31 after 29 years on the job.

Chair Dick Brenner rounded out the comments by saying, “Officials should be responsible to the county board. You the people elect us to do the job. I have to say, Paul once refused to do something the board legally wanted done.”

In other matters Tuesday, the county board took the following actions:

Accepted $35,000 grant for the continuing effort to address opioid prevention activities in Carlton County. The grant is focused to opiod overdoses in high risk, rural communities.

• Approved an “Animals in County Buildings Policy” which limits animals to service animals and limits questions staff can ask of people who depend on such animals.

• After the recent shooting and wounding of a man allegedly having mental issues in the Moose Lake mobile home park, the board approved hiring a temporary, experienced attorney, Vern Swanum, to investigate the event for further action.

• The county board approved drinking water filling stations on each floor of the Courthouse and any other county building. Visitors and staff can fill their own containers with water. County coordinator Dennis Genereau stated that each station would cost $500 and converting some newer fountains would cost around $300. At this time only the Transfer Station has been using county-purchased bottled water due to potential groundwater contamination.