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Arrowhead Senior Nutrition menu for Aug. 30-Sept. 6:
Friday, Aug. 30: Lasagna, fruit
Monday, Sept. 2: Closed for Labor Day
Tuesday, Sept. 3: Spaghetti with meat sauce, tossed salad, fresh fruit
Wednesday, Sept. 4: Roast pork loin, mashed potatoes and gravy, pumpkin cheese coffeecake
Thursday, Sept. 5: Baked fish, potato wedges, pea and cheese salad, fruit
Friday, Sept. 6: Egg salad sandwich, chicken noodle soup, fresh fruit
Frozen meals are available for weekends. Alternative entrées are available every day; please call Virginia 24 hours in advance at 218-879-5870. Meals are served at the Cloquet Senior Center, open Monday-Friday at 11:30 a.m. Registered customers are offered the meal service for a $4 contribution; customers under age 60 are charged $7.50. Menus are subject to change without notice.
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