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Wright-Cromwell news

Last week was a tough one for many with the passing of Mike Olson, Clarence Smith Jr., Eugenia Lisson, Lee Lippo, June Kingsley and, most recently, Larry Hamren. Larry, 76, of Wright passed away Sunday, Oct. 20. A funeral service was held Oct. 25 in Greentown, Indiana. A service and burial will follow at a later date, possibly Nov. 17, at Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Wright.

Donations for Lakeside Cemetery upkeep can be sent to the Lakeside Cemetery Association c/o Pam and Bob Rahja, 1445 Hart Road, Tamarack MN 55787. All donations are greatly appreciated.

Get Butter Braids and cookie dough! The junior class is fundraising for prom. Place your order with any member of the junior class or Mrs. Niemi at 218-644-3716 ext. 3102, or at the office. The fundraiser ends Monday, Nov. 4. Orders will be delivered Thursday, Nov. 20 just in time for the holidays.

Community Yoga meets 11a.m.-12 p.m. Mondays in November at the Cromwell Pavilion. Questions? Call Ann Markusen at 218-428-3300 or email [email protected].

Cromwell-Wright school yearbooks are available until Dec. 6 for $40 (hardcover) or $38 (softcover).

The Veterans Day program at the Villa Vista for all area vets and their families will be held Monday, Nov. 11 at 9:30 a.m. The school choir will be helping with the program. Community members are also welcome, and veterans are encouraged to stay for lunch. There will be a reading of names of our area active duty military, so please let me know if the following are still serving on active duty, or if there are others I may have missed: Brandon Burns, Rebecca Burns, Eric Davis, James Doble, Mason Hanson, Russell Johnson, Dr. Aaron Jordan, Susan Martin, Kyle Pfisthner, Logan Shiflett and Mike Thom. Just email me at [email protected] or call 218-357-2385. Thanks in advance.

All veterans are also invited to Cromwell-Wright School’s Veterans Day program Nov. 11 at 1:30 p.m.

Congratulations to our cross-country team for a great season. Good luck to Emaleigh Olesiak and Noah Foster, who are headed to State.

Don’t forget that the Tri-Community Food Shelf is open 3-5:30 p.m. Fridays at the old Trolley in Cromwell. Volunteers are always needed; call Diane at 218-426-4067 for more information.

Remember too that the area Clothing Depot in Cromwell is open 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Donations and volunteers are always welcome.

If you’re in need of volunteer services, call 218-897-9238 for information on a wide variety of assistance programs. More than 2,700 registered volunteers in Carlton County provide a multitude of services to the community. Hats off to all our volunteers, many of whom are not even registered with the county.

The new 2020 Senior Dance schedule is out, and the first dance will be Jan. 23 with Jerry’s One Man Band. There are no senior dances in November and December.

The next TRIAD meeting will be held 10-11 a.m. Nov. 6 at the Fond Du Lac Tribal and Community Center on Big Lake Road in Cloquet. All Carlton County Seniors are invited.

The Cromwell Area Young Old Timers’ Thanksgiving potluck dinner and meeting is Nov. 12 at 12 p.m. at the Cromwell Park Pavilion. New members and guests are welcome.

Feel free to join the community coffee hour at Bethany Lutheran Church in Cromwell 8:30-10 a.m. every Monday.

The hunters supper at the Cromwell Pavilion, sponsored by the Cromwell Area Community Club, will be held 4-7 p.m. Friday, Nov. 8. Cost: only $10/adult. Volunteers are needed too.

There will be a hunters supper and bake sale at the Round Lake Presbyterian Church on County Road 6 (Goshawk Ave.) 5-9 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 9.

The Lakeside Community Club’s hunters mojakka stew supper is 4:30-8 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 16 at Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Wright. Proceeds of the 5:50 p.m. raffle go toward a new roof for the Lakeside school.

Elementary school parent-teacher conferences will be held 3:30-6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 6 and Thursday, Nov. 7.

That’s all the news from the Edge of Wright. Remember to turn your clocks back Sunday.