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On Faith: Despite social media and politics, love your neighbor

We find ourselves a year away from the presidential elections but already the lines of division are having a strong effect on the American society. Here are just a couple examples of what I have seen that defy the ideals we hope to exhibit here in the United States, and even defy the teachings of the Christian faith I belong to.

We have seen where fellow citizens are refusing service to other citizens because of their political associations. The internet that so many of us utilize each day has turned into a sea of false news that most never question and allow this information to fuel outrage and division of those who believe differently. There are divisions in families that are occurring because of political views.

Many Christian churches are not immune to this division either. I have seen the responses to Facebook posts that show judgment and division that defy the teachings of our Lord. I have even heard of some pastors who question a believer's political associations with their salvation or not. Wow, all I can think of is what would our Lord say to us when He is witnessing this?

What should you and I do?

Do nothing and watch the erosion of relationships between people?

Should we complain and become outraged with the situation and blame the internet and news media?

Do we give in and pick a side and join the battle with those who think different being our enemy?

If you are in any of these categories please relax, take a breath and consider the following thought that helps me navigate these crazy times.

I need to align my actions with this thought, to treat others how I would wish to be treated. Our Lord said "love your neighbor as yourself," the Golden Rule. Would I want to be denied service because of my political or religious beliefs? Would I want a relationship with a friend or family member terminated because of my political or religious beliefs? Would I want my relationship with my Lord and Savior judged by others based on my political views?

The examples can go and on, but the answer is the same: I would not want to be treated this way. I really would not want to be treated this way so what would give me the right to treat others this way? I would have to think I am more right or vital than they are. This thinking leads to a slippery slope that always produces negative consequences.

When you and I review our actions, we need to ask ourselves what camp are we in. Are we in the group that treats others as we want to be treated, or the group that feels justified in treating others as advisories?

If you are reading this, you are probably part of our local community. Each one of us can make this community stronger or more divided, based on our individual actions. I live in this community and most of my time is spent interacting with others here, businesses, churches, and organizations, and I am genuinely encouraged by the number of people that treat others with the golden rule. Our actions occur because we choose to act in a certain way.

Imagine what it would be like if we all decide to live and act by The Golden Rule.