A hometown newspaper with a local office, local owners & lots of local news

Wright-Cromwell News

Our current high school exchange student from Italy, Lisa, was selected to play flute in the 52nd annual High School Honor Band at the University of Minnesota Duluth last Friday and Saturday. Lisa was one of more than 250 students chosen from more than 50 schools all over the state. She was placed in the top ensemble and earned first chair honors through an audition process held with UMD music faculty. It was a wonderful performance Saturday afternoon, following only two short days of rehearsing together. Way to make Cromwell-Wright school proud.

The veterans of the Cromwell Wright area were shown the utmost love and respect on Veterans Day Monday, Nov. 11 at both the Villa Vista and the Cromwell-Wright School.

The veterans at Villa Vista/Cardinal Court and from the community were honored with a wonderful program sponsored by the facility. The program started with the high school choir singing the National Anthem, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance; then the choir sang two very meaningful patriotic songs. Each veteran was asked to share their military experiences and give advice to members of the senior class, who were also in attendance. It's amazing how diverse their experiences were, going all the way back to several veterans from World War II.

The veterans were invited to the program at the Cromwell-Wright School that afternoon. They filed into the gym and got a standing ovation! Every student from the school was in attendance, along with more than 45 veterans, their families, the school staff and many community members. The choir sang, the band played and the students participated with songs, poems and readings.

There's lots going on this month.

Pastries With Parents: Parents/guardians of elementary students who eat breakfast at school are invited to come to the cafeteria Friday, Nov. 15, between 8 a.m. and 8:20 a.m. to have a complimentary donut with your child as they eat breakfast.

Feel free to join the community coffee hour at the Bethany Lutheran Church in Cromwell 8:30-10 a.m. every Monday.

All are invited to community yoga 11 a.m.-12 p.m. Mondays at the Cromwell Pavilion Nov. 18 and 25.

The annual Bethany bazaar will be held at the church in Cromwell on Saturday, Nov. 16. Browse and buy at starting at 12 p.m., with an auction at 1 p.m. Pie and coffee will be served.

The Lakeside Community Club will be holding its annual hunters mojakka stew supper at the Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Wright 4:30-8 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 16. There will be drawings for small raffle prizes beginning at 5:50 p.m. Proceeds go toward a new roof at the Lakeside school.

The funeral service for Larry Hamren is scheduled for Sunday, Nov. 17, at Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Wright, with visitation at 1 p.m., followed by the service at 2 p.m.

There is turkey bingo, sponsored by the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 23 at the Cromwell Park Pavilion. Lunch will be served, and there will be raffles and free popcorn. For more information or to pick up a donation, contact Mary Hakala at (218) 644-3495 or Sharon Zelazny at (218) 644-3496.

The United Methodist Church in Cromwell invites the community to a special musical service at 9 a.m. on Sunday, Nov. 24. Paul and Hilary Kyle will share their ministry with wonderful singing and insightful teachings. They live in Minneapolis, after having migrated from Northern Ireland.

The Christmas Caring Program is asking for donations for this year's gift distribution to our area youth. Donations of new toys, gift cards, snow pants, money, etc. can be dropped off in the boxes at area churches or brought to Pam Issendorf at the Clothing Depot on Thursdays.

To save money on printing costs, the school board minutes are available for viewing on our website. Check out http://www.isd95.org. If you would like a hard copy, stop outside the office and pick one up.

That's all the news from the Edge of Wright. Have a great week, stay safe and enjoy the second week of deer camp.