A hometown newspaper with a local office, local owners & lots of local news
Larry Hamren was laid to rest Sunday, Nov. 17 at the Wright Public Cemetery following a wonderful funeral service with scripture, tributes and songs. Larry left Wright on Oct. 14 to visit his brother Glen and his family in Indiana, with a promise to return to his duties at Bethlehem Church on Nov. 17. Well, he kept his word and was in church for the last time on the 17th. Many of his classmates, friends, and family were there to pay their final respects. Pastor Deb Hanson-Carlson and three family members, who shared memories, made the service so meaningful. The service ended with a recording of a song that Larry had composed and played on the organ. The women of the congregation served a wonderful hot meal and many stayed long afterward for a time of visiting and fellowship. Larry will be missed for decades to come by those who knew him well.
It saw so great to see and visit with Linda and Gale Hamren and their families at Larry’s funeral. They are the daughters of the late Kenneth and Lorraine Hamren.
BJ Lindgren attended the recent Young Old Timers Meeting and spoke on the Best Christmas Ever program she is involved in as a captain. BCE is a program that chooses one or two families in our area each year and makes a real difference in their lives. They are surprised with thousands of dollars of improvements to their homes and many gifts for the children. The YOT did decide to donate some money to this cause as it seems so worthwhile.
And speaking of YOT, there were more than 30 folks who came and had a wonderful turkey dinner with all the trimmings on Nov. 12 for their annual Thanksgiving get-together. The next big dinner will be Dec. 10, for Christmas. Everyone is asked to bring a gag gift or nicer gift for the dice game. That’s always a fun time. Hope more folks can attend.
Jason Pylka won the Cardinal Quilters raffle quilt, and they would also like to express their gratitude to all who supported our raffle by buying, selling, or allowing them to sell tickets at your establishments.
Also, the winner of the veterans quilt at the Villa was Jerry Mowers. We thank Jerry and all veterans for their service!
The Lakeside Community Club’s recent mojakka stew supper was a huge success. Folks enjoyed the great stew, breads, desserts and especially the raffle prizes. Sounds like they are well on their way to getting that new roof for the clubhouse next summer. Donations are still encouraged!
Feel free to join the community coffee hour at the Bethany Lutheran Church in Cromwell 8:30-10 a.m. every Monday.
All are invited to community yoga 11 a.m.-12 p.m. at the Cromwell Pavilion Monday, Nov. 25.
There is turkey bingo, sponsored by the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 23 at the Cromwell Park Pavilion. Lunch will be served, and there will be raffles and free popcorn. For more information or to pick up a donation, contact Mary Hakala at 218-644-3495 or Sharon Zelazny at 218-644-3496.
The Christmas Caring Program is asking for donations for this year’s gift distribution to our area youth. Donations of new toys, gift cards, snow pants, money, etc. can be dropped off in the boxes at area churches or brought to Pam Issendorf at the Clothing Depot on Thursdays.
And thanks for your generosity in advance!
The United Methodist Church in Cromwell invites the community to a special musical service at 9 a.m. Sunday, Nov. 24. Paul and Hilary Kyle will share their ministry with wonderful singing and insightful teachings. They live in Minneapolis, having migrated from Northern Ireland. The theme is “Be thou my vision and passing the flame from one generation to the next.”
Also, coming up at the Encore Performing Arts Center in Cloquet on Dec. 6-8 and 11-15 is the play, “Sorry! Wrong Chimney!” This is a Christmas comedy for the whole family to enjoy. Call (218) 878-0071 or go to http://www.countyseattheater.com for tickets.
You won’t regret attending either one of these locally produced productions.
That’s all the news from the Edge of Wright. Rest in peace, Larry! We will miss you!