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Letters to the editor: A missed opportunity?

About four years ago, when Minnesota Highway 33 was being reconstructed, the entrance from Big Lake Road into the Pinetree Plaza was moved a bit further up the hill. This made vehicles entering the parking lot head directly for an island consisting of curbs, rocks, shrubs, and a stop sign. I submitted a letter back then, concerned that drivers entering had to swerve left to miss the island and then immediately swerve right to avoid running head on into oncoming traffic exiting the parking lot. I thought this island should have been moved or removed at that time. That did not happen.

Now the service road from the Armory to Pizza Hut was recently reconstructed. This would have been another opportunity to correct that island situation: either move it or remove it.

Once again, that did not happen and, in my opinion, that less-than-safe situation continues. It seems to me that the design of either of these two projects missed addressing that island situation. Is the island on private property? Was the owner consulted? Should there be a correction?

Perhaps the city council, city administrator, police department, or the public works department could provide an explanation for the paper to report on.

I would say making the entrance lane a right-turn-only at the island is not the solution because many people entering at that location are proceeding straight ahead to the McDonald’s restaurant or maybe the MedExpress clinic.

Dan Unulock, Cloquet