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Our view: Private schools option fades away

Carlton County public schools do a stellar job. In addition, for many years, there have been options available for those who preferred a private, religious-based education.

In the late 1970s, the Faith Christian School offered evangelical Christian education, but went out of business in the 1990s. St. Paul’s Academy (later Cloquet Christian Academy) hosted children until 2011, with students in grades K-12. The school changed its name after a few years in an attempt to become more inclusive of other local congregations. The thought was that other churches would support the school as well. The idea had merit, but the academy just couldn’t survive.

Now, Queen of Peace Catholic School is the last private parochial school left in Cloquet. It serves about 75 students in grades K-8, with most students in grades K-4. Just two generations ago, more than 300 students were enrolled in the school, but the numbers have dwindled significantly. A few years ago, the school faced a choice: continue to operate as Cloquet’s only Christian-based school, or abandon its mission of educating children altogether.

They chose to continue, and have been working hard to fulfill that mission. Two years ago, they hired a new principal, David Douglas, who has aggressively pursued higher academic standards and increased its Christian — specifically Catholic — focus. It’s expensive to operate a private school, and the tuition rates cover roughly one-third the cost of educating a student. Finances are probably a never-ending concern, and we wish them luck.

We’d like to see the school welcome and accommodate students from other denominations looking for a Christian education. There’s no sin in a Lutheran attending a Catholic school, and an ecumenical private school stands a much better chance of long-term survival. If all those preferring to send their children to a Christian-based school banded together, this community could certainly support a private school.