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Wright/Cromwell news

As I sit down to type this week's news, it's a balmy 40 degrees in Wright. Just think, one year ago, it was 30 to 40 below zero with a wind chill of minus 50 degrees. It was on Jan. 30, the coldest day of 2019, that our local restaurant, Minetties, caught fire and burned to the ground.

What a difference a year makes. We are still hoping a café can open in Wright in the future.

Congratulations to Julie Peterson, a board member at Moose Lake schools the past 29 years, for receiving the Board Member of Distinction Award at the Minnesota School Board Association Convention. This award is given to a person who has attained over 1,000 points of in-service training through the MSBA. Only six board members have received this award in the association's 100-year history.

The Villa Vista & Cardinal Court honored the people in their 90s and older on Jan. 31. Activities director Julie Hutar Hedin went around the room and read a short biography of each honoree with lots of laughter and applause. It's amazing to hear of all the stories in each person's life.

The Cromwell-Wright Dollars for Scholars will hold its soup/sandwich fundraiser 5-7 p.m. Friday, Feb. 14 in the school cafeteria. Proceeds go to our graduating seniors who apply for our Dollars for Scholars scholarships. Contact Kay Smith at 218-591-2860 with questions or donations.

The next Cromwell Area Community Club meeting will be held at 6 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 13 in the Cardinal Café at Villa Vista & Cardinal Court.

The Cardinal Quilters will be holding beginning quilting classes 9 a.m. to noon on Saturdays in March at the Cromwell-Wright School. It's $15 for all four classes and participants must have some experience and their own sewing machines. Call by Feb. 15 to reserve a spot: Dawn Lippo at 218-644-3638 or Linda Larson at 218-644-3484.

The school has open gym 5:30-7 p.m. every Sunday. Speaking of the gym, there aren't too many home basketball games left, so try to get out to either the boys or girls games in February.

There will be a movie night at Bethlehem Lutheran in Wright at 6 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 9. The movie is "The Overcomer," which was recently in theaters, so you can see it without charge and complimentary treats will also be provided.

YOT will take place at noon Tuesday, Feb. 11 in the Cardinal Court second floor, followed by the Villa Vista/Cardinal Court Valentine's dance and king and queen coronation. The public is invited to attend.

That's this week's news from the Edge of Wright. Have a great week.