A hometown newspaper with a local office, local owners & lots of local news
Local businesses are the first ones to jump in when needed by the community, whether to donate to a local fundraiser, sponsor a youth athletic team, or support community activities.
Yet, many forget the contributions of local business when a crisis hits, such as the current COVID-19 pandemic.
We encourage residents to support local business as much as is safe and practical. We particularly favor small locally owned businesses, but we also have some larger stores in town that deserve our support.
“Shop Local” is not just a slogan to be batted around during the holiday shopping season. It’s also important to remember that shopping locally has a serious local economic effect during times of crisis. The pain will affect everyone: from laid-off restaurant servers to salaried professionals.
The ripple effect of cancellations and postponed meetings, as well as bar, restaurant and service business closures will be significant. It’s no secret that many retail outlets have been rushed as worried residents stock up, but that’s short-term, and helps only a few businesses.
There are things we can do to keep our local business afloat: be aware of where your shopping dollars are spent. Saving a few pennies by shopping online or at regional stores is tempting, but to local businesses, those pennies add up and support your neighbors, friends and relatives. Maybe consider “stocking up” on non-essential goods and services by buying gift certificates now. Or, book a local business now for work or events you anticipate later. We can’t spend our way out of this crisis, but the spending we do can have a significant positive effect if we spend it locally.
We’re certain the economy will improve, as it has after every crisis we’ve ever faced. Some businesses may not survive the COVID-19 panic. But with support from the community — both now and after the crisis passes — we can keep business local. Where it should be.
We welcome your input to the Pine Knot News community newspaper. Send your thoughts, letters, or news to [email protected].