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Carlton County COVID-19 news: March 26

Carlton County COVID-19 update 3/26/20

Governor’s Press Conference Information:

Continue to check the http://www.mn.gov/stayhomemn website for updated details on the Governor’s executive order. Staying home will save lives by slowing the spread of COVID-19. During the stay at home order, leave home only to:

• Get food, medicine, and other essentials

• Seek health care

• Care for family, friends, and pets

• Spend time outside

• Go to work if you provide critical services

If you need to leave your home, always stay at least 6 feet away from other people. In Minnesota, you will not need a letter for leaving your home to travel for essential services/work. Please note other neighboring states may differ.

Health Recommendations:

Carlton County is continuing to follow the recommendations from the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in best practice for all guidance related to COVID-19.

Visit MDH’s website with Frequently Asked Questions regarding contact (real or potential) with COVID-19. If that website does not answer your question, please call your healthcare provider. A few highlights:

1) If you are worried about exposure to COVID-19: watch for symptoms (for 14 days). Continuing to work and going about normal activities is completely fine until symptoms develop. Keep 6 feet of distance between you and others, and make sure to wash your hands often.

2) MDH recommendations: If you have symptoms of a respiratory disease (these include fever, coughing, muscle aches, sore throat, and headache), you should stay home for at least 7 days, and for 3 days with no fever and improvement of respiratory symptoms—whichever is longer. (Your fever should be gone for 3 days without using fever-reducing medicine.)

Carlton County Public Health and Human Services is continuing to recommend that anyone with general health-related questions about COVID-19 call MDH’s hotline (7am-7pm): 651-201-3920 or 1-800-657-3903.

All WIC appointments will be continued during the #stayathomeMN executive order, but will only be done by phone. Please call 218-878-2853 with questions.

Real ID

The following information is from the US Department of Homeland Security, Office of Public Affairs, for anyone with questions about our REAL ID’s related to our Motor Vehicle Registration Office closure:

Acting Secretary Chad Wolf Statement on the REAL ID Enforcement Deadline

“Due to circumstances resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic and the national emergency declaration, the Department of Homeland Security, as directed by President Donald J. Trump, is extending the REAL ID enforcement deadline beyond the current October 1, 2020 deadline. I have determined that states require a twelve-month delay and that the new deadline for REAL ID enforcement is October 1, 2021. DHS will publish a notice of the new deadline in the Federal Register in the coming days.


“The federal, state and local response to the spread of the Coronavirus here in the United States necessitates a delay in this deadline. Our state and local partners are working tirelessly with the Administration to flatten the curve and, therefore, we want to remove any impediments to response and recovery efforts. States across the country are temporarily closing or restricting access to DMVs. This action will preclude millions of people from applying for and receiving their REAL ID. Extending the deadline will also allow the Department to work with Congress to implement needed changes to expedite the issuance of REAL IDs once the current health crisis concludes.


“Protecting both the health and national security of the American people continues to be the top priority for the President of the United States and the Department of Homeland Security.”

Please visit the County webpage for updated details: http://www.co.carlton.mn.us/.

General Information:

Please continue to access the following websites for the most up to date and accurate information:

(State) Minnesota Department of Health - MDH: https://www.health.state.mn.us/diseases/coronavirus/index.html

(National) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - CDC: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html

(International) World Health Organization - WHO: https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019

Press releases will continue to be added to Carlton County’s website homepage (www.co.carlton.mn.us), under the Newsflash Section. They will also be added to Carlton County’s Facebook Page (https://www.facebook.com/CarltonCountyMN/), along with other community resources.

Rendered 01/02/2025 23:59