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Carlton County confirmed COVID-19 cases hits 10, including nine at prison

The confusion over the number of people with confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Carlton County seems to have been resolved. Today, Carlton County officials sent out a press release that put the total number at 10 in the county, and explained that the total includes nine cases at the prison in Moose Lake. Today's press release also includes a number of recommendations for limiting the spread of the disease.

Carlton County's COVID-19 update for Monday, April 6 follows:

Carlton County officials were notified by the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) of two additional lab-confirmed COVID-19 cases in Carlton County residents. No additional details were shared at this time and the cases are both being investigated by MDH. The lab-confirmed case total for Carlton County is 10.

Of the 935 lab-confirmed cases on MDH’s website, 106 are currently hospitalized and 451 no longer need isolation. The Moose Lake Correctional Facility has reported 9 lab-confirmed cases (these fall within the 10 total in Carlton County), 7 of which have recovered.

Based on new evidence, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends wearing cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain (e.g., grocery stores and pharmacies) especially in areas of significant community-based transmission. More information on recommendations about face coverings can be found on the CDC’s website here. MDH also gives the following reminders about wearing masks:

- Masks protects others from your germs, it does not protect you from others’ germs

- If individuals are sick, they should be staying home and isolating. If someone is sick, they should not be wearing it as an excuse to be out in public while sick.

- Masks continue to be a secondary protection measure. Primary protection measures are covering your cough, staying home when you are sick, handwashing, and social distancing.

- If you choose to wear a mask, do not buy surgical or N95 masks as those are in needed in healthcare settings at this time.

Minnesota Department of Health is continuing to work regularly with Correctional Facilities around the state for coordinated care and response for inmates and staff. They are in regular contact and are following the guidance updated on 4/1 found here.

On Friday, April 3rd, Governor Walz announced a new State of Minnesota website and dashboard to provide Minnesotans with data and information that drives the response to COVID-19. The website includes data and statistics as well as information on what to do if you are sick, when to seek medical attention, news and actions from the Governor's office, and other resources. Visit Coronavirus Disease in Minnesota for more information.

Remember you do not need to stay INSIDE during the #stayathomemn executive order! According to the Stay at Home MN website, here is when it is okay for people to leave their home: Minnesotans may leave their homes to pick up essential items such as groceries or food, prescriptions, and gas, to relocate for safety reasons, or go to work if their job is deemed essential in a sector. If you leave your home, practice social distancing measures and keep six feet between you and those around you. Everyone is encouraged to stay active outside during this time, provided they practice safe social distancing.

Permissible activities during the stay at home order include:

-Health and safety activities, such as obtaining emergency services or medical supplies

-Outdoor activities, such as walking pets, hiking, running, biking, hunting, or fishing

-Necessary Supplies and Services, such as getting groceries, gasoline, or carry-out

-Essential and interstate travel, such as returning to home from outside this state

-Care of others, such as caring for a family member, friend, or pet in another household

-Displacement, such as moving between emergency or homeless shelters if you are without a home

-Relocation to ensure safety, such as relocating to a different location if your home has been unsafe due to domestic violence, sanitation, or essential operations reasons

-Tribal Activities & Lands, such as activities by members within the boundaries of their tribal reservations

-Funerals, provided that the gathering consists of no more than 10 attendees and the space utilized allows for social distancing (six feet spacing between people). Venues should make accommodations for remote attendance, if possible, for others. Individuals who are at high risk from COVID-19 are strongly encouraged to attend remotely.

Executive Order 20-20 allows for the list of exempted activities to be clarified, as deemed necessary by the Governor, to ensure the health, safety and security of all Minnesotans.

The application process for emergency grants for licensed child care providers serving essential workers during the COVID-19 public health emergency is open. For more information, visit Child Care Aware of Minnesota: Peacetime Emergency Child Care Grants.

Carlton County Public Health and Human Services is continuing to recommend that anyone with general health-related questions about COVID-19 call MDH’s hotline (7am-7pm): 651-201-3920 or 1-800-657-3903.

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