A hometown newspaper with a local office, local owners & lots of local news

Our View: You may not get it, but why take a risk?

It’s difficult to see the effect COVID-19 has had on our county. Businesses are closed. Schools are closed. People are staying home. But people are getting creative to stimulate their need for social interaction: using social media, teddy bear hunts, video chats, walks and other means to socialize while social distancing.

The fear of spreading the virus reminds us that, even up here in our little corner of the world, the world’s problems can come to infect us.

So far, so good. There have been few reported cases of the virus in Carlton County so far, and while it’s also been detected in neighboring counties, it hasn’t spread widely in the state. Yet.

That’s due, in no small part, to our rural nature. Most of our living quarters are spaced far enough apart from our neighbors that social distancing is a reasonable, although inconvenient, way to slow the pandemic. In Manhattan, which is the most densely populated neighborhood in America, the virus is running rampant. No one wants to see that.

We’re fortunate, for many reasons, to live in a rural county. Carlton County stays, metaphorically, 6 feet away from urban areas like Minneapolis, and that distancing helps keep our area safer than others. Other national afflictions, like the H1N1 outbreak and Ebola scare, passed us by with very little effect. We can hope COVID-19 stays away, too, although that’s unlikely.

We can’t take chances. There is very little benefit to risking exposure to the virus. Yes, get your needed food or other supplies, but do so wisely. Make a list, and try to limit your trips.

Be kind. Reach out virtually to others. Spread positive vibes, not a virus.

The local economy is in hibernation, school events are canceled and gathering places are closed. If we can keep ourselves isolated, both from our neighbors and from the rest of the nation, for just a bit longer (weeks, maybe months, but unlikely years), this pandemic will pass, and we’ll be spared.

We encourage social isolation, for now. Follow our leaders’ instructions, information, and warnings. We all have too much to lose if we don’t.

We welcome your input to the Pine Knot News community newspaper. Send your thoughts, letters, or news to [email protected].