A hometown newspaper with a local office, local owners & lots of local news
It’s Sunday morning and your most recent edition sits open to page six on our dining room table. Because we enjoy reading and digesting the articles slowly, we are rationing the paper so it lasts until the next issue arrives. We have come to trust your reporting and enjoy your coverage of our little corner of the world. Your presentation of Carlton County’s response during this pandemic is both informative and reassuring.
When you offer historical reports of similar hardships you remind us of our resilience and when you caution us to hold ourselves and others accountable for choices and actions you remind us to be our best selves whenever we can. Our local newspaper is a lifeline for us during these uncertain times.
Another important connection for us is the daily press conference with Gov. Walz and members of his administration. Each weekday afternoon at 2 we set up the portable speaker to MPR to listen to our governor and his team as they present their daily news.
We painted the kitchen this week and we’ll forever associate these walls with news of coronavirus statistics, unnerving executive orders, and discussions around the relative importance of public health and economic security.
When we hear the unfiltered information presented by articulate leaders we feel empowered and informed. Gov. Walz is a strong and compassionate leader, making difficult decisions and mitigating the fallout as well as he can. This hour of intense listening has become an anchor in our day.
With fewer places to go and people to see it’s important for us to keep learning new things and adding to our store of information. When we have accurate information we can discuss events and ideas effectively and respond intentionally. Reading the Pine Knot and hearing Gov. Walz’s press conference keep us informed and make us proud to be Minnesotans living in Carlton County.
From Rita Vavrosky and Steve Schulstrom