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A 92nd birthday party outside and in

Joyce Angell got to celebrate her 92nd birthday with friends and family Monday despite having to stay in her second-floor room at Carlton's Inter-Faith Care Center. A total of 14 grandchildren and great-grandchildren; daughter Penney and her husband, Del Prevost; and other friends and family members gathered outside with signs and balloons to celebrate their beloved matriarch.

The trees outside her window were decorated with lavender and each party guest held a purple balloon. Many waved signs proclaiming how much they love and miss their mom, grandma and friend.

Penney said she and Del have not been in her mother's room since March 13, but they stand outside her window and wave at 11:30 a.m. every day, just like they did Monday.

Penney said the facility is in complete lockdown, with no cases, and they're doing a good job. But that doesn't mean she likes it.

"It's right in my brain, but tough on my heart," she said.