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Letters to the editor: Support Enbridge line; support our economy

As a longtime taxpayer and consumer of energy products, I am writing to express my support of Enbridge’s Line 3 project and the economic benefits it would bring to our community and the state of Minnesota, particularly on the heels of the COVID-19 pandemic that depleted budgets in our state.

The project would benefit surrounding communities and local business owners, including restaurants, stores, service stations and all local businesses. I am from Cloquet and have lived here for 70 years and have come to understand how important Enbridge is to our state.

This project does not require public funding and would create 8,600 jobs (at least half from Minnesota) during peak construction. Construction activity would also benefit small businesses in our community as restaurants, hotels and other stores would be frequented by the workers.

As our state recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic, the economic benefits of this project will be critical in helping the state and county reinvigorate their budgets and fund vital services in our community. The Line 3 project would bring increased tax revenue, including state sales tax revenue from construction materials and supplies and an additional $19.5 million in annual property taxes once the pipeline is in full operation for a year. These are lasting positive impacts that would help fund local schools, roadways, parks, health care facilities and other local services that have had their budgets severely impacted by the pandemic.

I support the Line 3 project and will continue to voice my support for the project’s benefits to our communities in Minnesota. I encourage my fellow taxpayers and consumers of energy products in my community to do the same.

Michael Singpiel, Cloquet