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COVID cases still rising locally

As the number of tests given increases across the state, so do the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19.

The Minnesota Department of Health reported 65 positive cases in Carlton County as of Wednesday, May 13, an increase of four from a week ago.

Of those 65 cases, at least 36 are from the Moose Lake prison, an increase of one confirmed case since last week.

Testing at the local Department of Corrections facilities is up, with 111 inmates tested in Moose Lake. Of those 36 were confirmed positive, 73 confirmed negative. Another 31 are presumed positive. Forty-three no longer require isolation. There were two tests still pending results.

At Willow River, 144 inmates had been tested as of Wednesday, May 13, with 66 confirmed positive, 25 confirmed negative and seven presumed positive. There were 53 tests still pending results. Confirmed cases in Willow River jumped by 19 from last week.

Employees who have tested positive for COVID-19 jumped from 33 to 35 in Moose Lake and remained at four in Willow River.

Statewide, Minnesota reports a total of 12,917 confirmed (tested) cases of COVID-19, out of 122,035 tests given. A total of 638 people have died in the state. No deaths from COVID-19 in Carlton County have been reported by the MDH.

Rendered 01/11/2025 11:09