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Wright/Cromwell news

Villa Vista/Cardinal Court volunteers are invited to stop by between 12:30 p.m. and 2 p.m. Friday, May 15 to get a plant as an appreciation gift from Julie and Mike Peterson. They usually have a volunteers breakfast at their facility in May, but due to you-know-what, they will distribute plants outside instead. They also want to thank all the faithful volunteers who do so much with the residents every year, and hope that things can return to normal soon. So, residents and staff, hang in there! Stay safe and know that you are missed so much.

We wish Pat Chambers a happy 90th birthday on May 30. Aurelia Hemmila will be celebrating a birthday on May 18. Cards can be sent to Pat at 1884 S. Utah Dr., Casa Grande AZ 85194, and to Aurelia at 22027 420th St. Unit 6, McGregor MN 55760.

I just got word that Janice Pettit Rollins' husband, John, died on May 5, 2020 in Connersville, Indiana. Janice grew up in Wright and still has many family connections here. Know that our sympathies are with you.

The Farmers co-op store in Wright is open and waiting for you to shop there, or give them a call at 218-357-2251 to place an order for pickup or to have it delivered. You can also email your order to [email protected]. They have resumed regular hours, opening at 8 a.m. Monday-Saturday.

The Area Clothing Depot has decided to close until further notice. Please save your donations for a later date.

There will be no YOT dances or meetings until further notice.

I want to take this time to thank all the wonderful mask makers in our communities. I hear that there have been hundreds made and distributed to area folks during this pandemic. Also, thanks to Mr. Soderbloom for the Aluma Lite portable fish houses that are being used for temporary testing sites at the Cloquet Memorial Hospital and other areas. It seems that all our area folks are stepping up and doing just what is needed, when it is needed.

We, as a community, congratulate the Cromwell-Wright Class of 2020. Your graduation experiences have been drastically changed, but know that the community is with you now and into the future.

It was great to see our Cromwell Area Community Club cleaning the 2-mile stretch of highway near, through and west of Cromwell on May 9. Looks like they did a great job, as there sure is a large variety of trash to pick up every year. I'm sure many other groups will also be doing this adopt-a-highway project soon, so keep a watch out for these yellow-vested volunteers. And thank them, if you feel safe doing so.

May 16 is Armed Forces Day, so remember to fly the flag in their honor.

That's all the news from the Edge of Wright - stay safe.

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