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Alternatives abound for modified Memorial Day

The national VFW Auxiliary website offers a number of ways to commemorate Memorial Day while maintaining social distancing this year, including the following:

Fly the American flag.

• Make signs to hang on your door thanking the military.

• Hang a “Buddy” poppy wreath on your front door.

• Have food delivered or leave groceries at someone’s door.

• Mow a veteran’s lawn or do other yard work for them.

• Send a card or letter to a hospitalized or homebound veteran.

• Call service members and veterans to say thank you.

• Place flowers and flags at gravesites.

• Share what a fallen soldier, veteran and or freedom means to you on social media.

• And finally, consider sending a letter to the editor of your hometown paper (email [email protected] or mail to/drop off at 122 Avenue C, Cloquet MN 55720).