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Letters to the editor: Masks make sense

After far too many excursions to local stores where I observe the low level of mask wearing and social distancing, I’m convinced that voluntary measures aren’t working, and that we’ll be facing a significant shutdown of our society and economy well into next year or beyond. This country is already one of the worst globally in regard to increased COVID-19 cases. Therefore, I want to propose that the Cloquet City Council pass a measure to require wearing masks in all indoor public spaces within the city. The science on the effectiveness of mask wearing is clear, and many other cities are considering this.

I can already hear the howls of protest: Compulsory mask wearing is an infringement on individual rights. We already have numerous laws meant to protect others from ourselves, the most analogous being no-smoking regulations. Most driving laws would also apply. Virtually all leading epidemiologists and infectious disease specialists say masks are more effective in protecting others than the wearer (as well as being the most effective way to control the spread of the virus), so this is not a case of having the “right” to risk your own exposure. Rather, it’s a case of others being protected from you, should you have become exposed.

From my observations, those not wearing masks also seem to be the ones most likely to ignore social distancing guidelines, another protective measure but far more difficult to enforce than what I am proposing. Besides, if the incredible discomfort and inconvenience of wearing a mask is too much of a burden, just don’t go to public indoor spaces.

None of us enjoy the prolonged shutdown we are experiencing due to COVID-19. If we want that to end sooner rather than later, observing basic, fairly painless guidelines is the most effective means to that end.

Mark Cline, Cloquet

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