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Cloquet library hire is getting the word out

Cloquet's newest librarian, Courtney Dietsche, started her job May 18 when the public library was closed to the public in response to the coronavirus pandemic and knee deep in a construction project.

That means the new adult services librarian has had to get creative in planning some virtual events and an adult summer reading program and focus on other parts of her job, which includes publicity.

The former director of the Evelyn Goldberg Briggs Memorial Library in Iron River, Wisconsin, got her master's degree in library science in 2003 and has worked in several academic and public libraries over her career.

She enjoys reading as well as hiking, crafting and traveling in her spare time.

The Pine Knot News sat down with Dietsche following a recent tour of the library.

Q Why Cloquet?

A I was in a job where it wasn't in the library situation and I just really wanted to get back into it. Plus the last library I worked at also had an expansion that just about doubled its size. So I had some experience doing that, plus the job sounded like a fun thing to do that was a little bit different from what I've done before - but still library-based.

Q What does an adult services librarian do?

A I handle everything, all the programming, for adults. I also do the website, the web page and then also kind of all the marketing or sales and get the word out to the newspapers and other places and social media and things like that. In the meantime, look for upcoming virtual events and, when permitting, in-person activities that will educate and entertain.

QWhy do you think libraries are still important?

A believe they don't need libraries anymore, because you can get information on Google, or you can just download eBooks and people don't read anymore. But that's a huge part of our business ... people coming in and checking out books and movies. Then there's the programming, and the sense of community and having a place where people can come together, see their friends, see strangers, meet new people. Kids can hang out and have a safe place to do that too. I think it always has been and still is the heart of the community where people can just go in, and do a variety of things, all for free. Plus, we're connected to the whole state of Minnesota. So you can get just about anything ... for free.

Q If you could have dinner with any three living people, who would it be and why?

A Neil deGrasse Tyson, because he's so knowledgeable and enthusiastic about astrophysics. Nancy Pearl, because she's the only librarian with an action figure. Peter Davison, because he was the best Dr. Who.