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Wright/Cromwell news

The 55th annual Wrong Days in Wright will be taking place this weekend, Friday through Sunday, July 17-19, in Wright with a somewhat scaled back list of events.

Wrong Days will start out with the annual steak fry 4-7 p.m. Friday in the Big Top Pavilion, O-G-N-I-B (bingo spelled backward) at 7:30 p.m. in the Big Top, and fireworks at dusk with free popcorn at the Cook Shack. WD buttons are available at area businesses and events, as there will be no door-to-door selling or king and queen candidates this year. They are still only $1 each. Vendors and exhibitors are encouraged to call Leslie Wilson at 218-451-0018, but if you were not able to sign up in time with Leslie, just show up and take part in the festivities. Remember if it’s Wrong, then it’s Wright.

The parade will start at 10:30 a.m. Saturday and there will be no candy or prize throwing due to CDC regulations, a change from last week. Call Jake at 218-391-6765 to sign up for the parade, or just show up by Groth Lumber before 10 a.m. There will be mixed softball and volleyball tournaments, and cribbage at the Senior Center from 3-5 p.m. Saturday — you play to lose. Contact Rick Gresczyk at 218-215-1973, as the number of players is limited.

There is a dance from 8 p.m.-midnight Saturday, with music by Uncle Lucky. Reminder: Attend at your own risk; masks and social distancing are encouraged.

The Area Clothing Depot in Cromwell is holding a special “Wrong Days” bag sale 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday. Bags will be reduced to $3 each.

The St. John’s Lutheran Church in Wright is holding its annual garage (rummage) and bake sale 12-6 p.m. Friday and 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday.

Also this weekend, there will be a huge rummage sale at the old co-op in Cromwell 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Thursday and Friday, and 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday.

The Tri-Community Food Shelf located in Cromwell is open 3-5:30 p.m. Fridays, as usual. If you’re in need or know someone in our three communities of Cromwell, Tamarack and Wright in need of help, please stop in for safe distribution of food. No hoops to jump through, all in need are welcome to use their services during these trying times once a month.

Our sympathy to the family of Wilma Bury, who passed away recently. There will be a graveside service at the Catholic Cemetery in Wright at 11 a.m. Saturday, July 18. Friends and family are welcome to attend.

There will not be a YOT Senior dance at the Pavilion in Cromwell in July due to COVID-19 restrictions.

Kiieri Anderson, daughter of Tom and Lea Anderson, graduated from UWS this spring with a degree in business administration with a concentration in marketing. Unfortunately, she had to finish her degree with two months of at-home study. She was recently hired as manager at Sweetly Kismet, the new candy store in Carlton which opened June 26. Kiieri says she absolutely loves her new job and is so lucky to get an amazing job right after graduating from college.

My husband, Bob, is still in the North Shore Estates Nursing Home, 7700 Grand Ave. Room 113, Duluth MN 55807. We visit almost every day on the phone and try to get there a few times a week. It sounds like he will be home soon.

Please consider making a donation to the Wright Seniors. Contact president Connie Woelfel at 218-391-4113 or email donations to her at 47559 157th Ave., Tamarack MN 55787. Regular meetings are held the first Wednesday of the month, and the center is open 1-4 p.m. the other Wednesdays of the month.

That’s all the news from the Edge of Wright – stay safe.