A hometown newspaper with a local office, local owners & lots of local news

Wright/Cromwell news

New, for those voting by mail: you no longer need a witness to sign your ballot. Ballots need to be returned to the courthouse by Aug.11, or at least postmarked by then to be counted. Also, remember that you must choose a political party and vote only that party. You can’t cross over in a primary election.

There are three 4-year Cromwell-Wright school board positions to be filled beginning January 20, 2021. The terms of Angela Anderson, Tim Homstad and Brian Granholm are up. If you are interested in having your name on the ballot, please apply at the school by Tuesday, Aug. 11.

Tim Bury, manager of Farmers Co-op, reports that the store was burglarized on July 2, 5, 9, 12, and 14, between 2:30 a.m. and 3 a.m. Stolen items included cigarettes, chew, cigars, sodas and snacks. Two thieves, wearing dark hoodies, gloves and face scarves, were apprehended. They admitted guilt and were arrested, but due to COVID-19 were not held in jail. Some of the items were recovered. Tim is hoping for insurance money. The store staff were instructed to not talk to customers about this and, to their credit, they didn’t. The store board is very thankful for their discretion.

And, speaking of robberies, Michelle Hedin has asked me to alert my readers of the recent robberies on Cromwell and Island lakes. Last week, while she and Dave were having lunch inside their Island Lake cabin, three teenage boys kayaked by and stole fishing tackle and poles from right off their dock. They knew their stuff — they left the cheaper specials and stole the expensive gear, including a custom-made pole, a gift to Dave upon his retirement, with his name engraved on it. When Dave went back outside, the teens were further down the lake still cruising the shore, and Dave caught up with them in his pontoon and asked to see their poles, of which they had an abundance. Sure enough, their poles were there and Dave got them back. The boys, all locals, reluctantly gave their names and Dave asked them to come back with their parents to discuss the matter, and law enforcement would not be called. Neither the boys nor their parents returned, so law enforcement was notified. At this time, one cabin owner still has a large tackle box missing. So, If you are missing stuff off your docks, please call 911 and report it, as you may be able to get some of your items back or at least get these teens punished for their wrongdoing.

The Villa Vista and Cardinal Court in Cromwell is still on lockdown, and I’m sure the residents and staff appreciate your cards and letters of encouragement, and outside visits when possible. Please call 218-644-3331 to reserve a time to visit your special person when you can.

The Cromwell Wright school office is informing the community that school will open to students on Sept. 6 with regular classes. You will be updated with further information as it becomes available. If you have or know of new students in the area, please call the school at 644-3737 so they can be registered for the 2020-2021 school year.

Linda Larson celebrated her birthday July 31 with a gathering of gals at Carmen’s in Cloquet in their outdoor dining area. Her birthday was actually on the 31st, so it was a special day for her.

The annual meeting of the Farmers Co-op in Wright scheduled for Aug. 11 will not be held due to the pandemic. Election of directors and any other business will not be considered at this time. The minutes of the last annual meeting and annual reports will be available at the store for your consideration after Aug. 11. By order of Jennie K. Hanson, Farmers Co-op board of directors secretary.

Tri-Community Food Shelf in Cromwell is open 3-5:30 p.m. Fridays, as usual. If you’re in need, or know someone in our three communities of Cromwell, Tamarack and Wright in need of help, please stop in for safe distribution of food. No hoops to jump through, all in need are welcome to use our services once a month during these trying times. For more information, call executive Dianne Knoben at 218-426-4067.

Ruby’s Pantry will be at the Cromwell Park Pavilion 9:30-11 a.m. August 13. All area folks are welcome, as there are no income requirements.

My total left knee replacement surgery is scheduled this week at CMH, but I’m not holding my breath as it has been postponed twice already! Let’s hope the third time’s a charm! I am looking forward to a more pain-free rest of the summer after my therapy is completed. Thanks for all your cards of encouragement and prayers.

Movie night in the Big Top in the Wright will be Sunday, Aug. 9. The screening of “Onward” will start at 8:30 p.m. Bring your lawn chairs; treats will be available for a $4 donation. Everyone is welcome regardless of your ability to make a donation.

The second annual Extreme Teens Youth fundraiser in the Big Top in Wright will be held 3-6 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 22, with a pig roast, music by the Holy Hootenanners and silent auction. All area folks are encouraged to attend, with masks and social distancing observed. Silent auction items are needed, so call Liz at 218-428-6733 if you can help them out. Funds will support the youth attending the Lutheran ELCA National Youth Gathering in 2022, recently postponed from 2021.

There will be no further YOT Senior dance at this time due to the pandemic.

Please consider donating to the Wright Seniors. Any amount will be greatly appreciated. Contact president Connie Woelfel at 218-391-4113 with any questions. Donations can be set to her at 47559 157th Ave., Tamarack MN 55787. Thank you.

The Bethany Lutheran Church in Cromwell is looking for applicants for a part-time cleaner at the church. A letter of experience and references is required, and a background check will be conducted. Apply in writing to PO Box 85, Cromwell MN 55726 by Aug. 20.

Several folks have asked how they can send messages of condolence to the family of Lois Gray. You can send your cards and letters to her daughter Kimberly (Gray) Thiede, 16351 Java Circle, Lakeville MN 55044. Contributions in Lois’ memory may be sent to Fairview Hospice Metro at http://www.fairview.org/giving.

In closing, I would like to offer my sincere sympathy to the family of Nicholas Johnson, 20, of Floodwood, who recently lost his battle with depression on July 24. I didn’t know Nick well, but having subbed at the Floodwood School for the past 21 years, I did have the opportunity to see him grow from kindergarten to the 12th grade. He was a very pleasant student and I certainly hope he is now at peace. Remember, love leaves a memory

“Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday, unseen, unheard, but always near, still loved, still missed and very dear. For death leaves a heartache no one can heal, and love leaves a memory no one can steal.”

Send your news to me at [email protected], or call 218-357-2385.

That’s all the news from the Edge of Wright. Stay safe and wear a face covering when in public.

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