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Letters to the editor: Sign damage shows disrespect for opinions

I just came back from repairing my Trump sign that some Johnny Sneak-up cut up at night. He or she did it in the dark because they are cowards and have no respect for the law.

I am a 78-year-old disabled American veteran who worked hard to put this sign up as I believe in the Constitution, the right to life — as does President Trump.

Is there that much hate that someone has to tear down signs that promote life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? (That includes those boys and girls aborted.)

I am open to having a discussion where we can sit down and talk. Live and let live.

I will be at a sign wave at Cloquet Avenue and Highway 33 from 4-6 p.m. Friday if you want to talk.

Since I first wrote this letter, the coward(s) came back, at night again, and vandalized my sign again. I will either fix it or leave it to show how others disrespect us and the law. We are offering a reward for any information that helps identify the vandals.

I would not want to live in your hate-filled world.

Tony Sheda, Wrenshall

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