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Letters to the editor: Washington Avenue project is dumb and dangerous

Whoever thought of last year’s Washington Avenue project obviously doesn’t live on this street or own a business.

Numerous times my neighbors and I have been almost run over either by trying to cross or get the mail. Putting in center turn lanes was useless. Trying to back out of the driveway is impossible.

When emergency or law enforcement vehicles come, where are drivers supposed to move to? Up the curb and into someone’s yard? There’s no place to park for parishioners, or having sales or family events. This country is taking away our freedoms and I am fed up with it.

Planting trees was a big waste. The county cut into our lawns and put a dumb sidewalk in, and you expect us to mow it. That’s B.S.

I might add all the speeders, and 4-wheelers using the sidewalk. You need to fix the problem before someone gets killed.

If the dumb roundabout goes in, we’re moving. I know, no one cares.

Cindy Kilman, Cloquet

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