A hometown newspaper with a local office, local owners & lots of local news
On Sept. 11, 2001, I was sitting at my kitchen table while my nephew Nathan Dahlman was replacing our kitchen counters. My son Philip called and said: “Turn on the TV. A plane just hit one of the World Trade Towers in New York.” After tuning in, we sat in silence watching what we just couldn’t believe.
This seems like a good time to reflect on the things our country has endured over our history and now we are dealing with fires, protest, hurricanes, and more.
I recently got a call from Barb Dahl and she said she just heard from her classmate, Gwen Johnson, in Medford, Oregon. Here’s what Gwen had to say:
“Hi Barb, I’m at Wendy’s. My house 5 miles away burnt to the ground along with hundreds of homes nearby. I had to evacuate with only a moment’s notice and got out with only my pets, important papers and one of Stephan’s wood carvings. All else is now ashes. I can’t go home to see it because the roads are now closed. This is a new experience for me and it reminds me of when we were in high school and your mom and dad’s home burnt down. You know more than most what I’m going through.”
Cards of support can be mailed to Gwen at 633 Pine St., Medford OR 97501.
We are so sad for all the folks in the western states who are dealing with so much loss of property and, more importantly, loss of lives.
All Lakeview residents who were registered by Aug. 21 will be mailed non-forwardable mail ballots. If you are not registered to vote, and plan to vote absentee during the current election, contact the auditor’s office at 218-384-9127 or stop in at the courthouse to vote. There are many townships that now vote by mail, as the cost to hold an in-person election is getting expensive and it’s also hard to get folks to work at these elections. Whatever way you vote, please vote.
Also, if you plan to vote by mail, the USPS sent out a card with important information for all voters. Once you receive your absentee ballot, follow the instructions and mail at least seven days before Nov. 3.
Our sympathy to the family of Tony Anderson, 77, who recently died. If anyone has more information, I would be happy to relay it to my readers.
Also, sympathy to Jenifer Nieman Johnson on the recent death of her mother-in-law, Cicil Maureen Johnson, on Sept. 12.
Are you interested in getting the $4 meals from AEOA? Angels in McGregor is providing them, and all you have to do is call 218-768-2762 and sign up. You can get two weeks’ worth of meals. They don’t deliver meals to outlying towns, but we are qualified to receive them. Meals are made at the Fireside, so the food is great.
Congratulations to our cross country runners Noah Foster and Emaleigh Olesiak, who recently won their races at the North Shore Triangular.
Charles Kabus and Raya Anderson are attending First Communion classes at Bethany-Bethlehem churches. We welcome them.
The Cardinal Court/Villa Vista is holding an outdoor concert by the Holy Hootenanners at 1:30 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 27. The public is welcome to attend, just stay in your vehicles.
The Sweetly Kismet candy store in Carlton is now hosting hayrides on weekends. One of their tractors will pull you through the winding trail in the pine grove near the store.
The Area Clothing Depot in Cromwell is accepting donations again. Their hours are 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Masks are required while shopping. Volunteers are also welcome to sign up with Beanie Randa at 219-966-4228.
Birdie Harrington is again holding a farmers market at her home on 1875 South Finn Road.
Ann Markusen is teaching yoga at the Pavilion on Mondays from 11 a.m. to noon. Wear a mask upon arriving.
We are looking for an old Bethany Church cookbook from back in the 1940s, or older. We want to get the recipe for Ebba’s (Hedin) sour cream spice cake. If you have information, let me know.
Remember to fly the flag on Sept. 18 for National POW/MIA Recognition Day. This year is also the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam War.
Send me your news at [email protected], or call at 218-357-2385.That’s all the news from the Edge of Wright. Stay safe and please wear a face covering when in public.