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Wright/Cromwell news

Our sympathy to the family and friends of Melissa Kalinoski, 42, of Cromwell, who died in a car crash Sept. 24 near Brookston. She was killed when a truck crossed over the centerline and hit her car head on.

There will be a second auction of the items the late Larry Hamren collected over the years. It starts at 10 a.m. Oct. 3 under the Big Top in Wright. There will be antiques, glassware, lanterns and vintage furniture.

There will also be an auction at Alice Lake’s home in Wright at 11 a.m. Oct. 10. Alice and Dick have moved into the Cardinal Court in Cromwell and need to sell most of their possessions.

A couple of new doors were installed at the Farmers Co-op in Wright, partly due to the damage done during recent burglaries. The front door now has a large window, which will help with lighting in the entryway and also make it easier to see if someone is coming in when a customer is going out. The manager is also looking to hire a part-time employee (approximately 20 hours a week, five days a week), so if you know of someone, please stop in at the store and talk to Tim.

Frontier is installing a new fiber optic line along Center Road north of Wright and hopefully the area internet will be much improved.

Notice to Lakeside, Red Clover and Beseman township residents: Voting will be mail-in only for the general election Nov. 3. For more information contact the auditor’s office in Carlton at 218-384-9127.

Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Wright will open at 9 a.m. Oct. 4 for those who feel safe attending. There have been several changes that have taken place at the sanctuary regarding physical distancing.

Gwen Johnson, daughter of the late Aldur and Betty Johnson, recently lost her home and belongings to the fires in Medford, Oregon. She is living with her sister Wendy and hoping the fires can be controlled as soon. Send cards and donations to her at 633 Pine St., Medford OR 97501.

Yoga group meets at the Cromwell Park Pavilion at 11 a.m. Mondays. Wear a mask upon arriving and leaving, and take your yoga gear home with you. There’s plenty of dance floor space to be appropriately distanced, so no mask wearing is required during yoga.

The ladies who head up the Christmas Caring program are asking for donations to help our area kids have a better Christmas this year. Bring donations to the Area Clothing Depot or area donation containers at businesses. Ruth and Pam are heading up this effort.

Birdie Harrington (Tad Walli) is again holding her farmer’s market at her home on 1875 South Finn Road.She has vegetables for sale and fresh farm eggs. Call 218-537-1690.

Please keep Bob (and me) in your thoughts and prayers. He was transferred to North Shore Estates for rest, therapy and, hopefully, recuperation. His address is Room 128, 7700 Grand Avenue, Duluth MN 55807. I’m sure he would enjoy getting cards and letters.

I have been back subbing in Floodwood. Three of the four days were only half-days, so it was pretty easy and I sure did miss the students and staff. So far, Floodwood hasn’t had any Covid-19 cases and they are taking all the proper precautions to keep it that way. Sure is strange not being able to see whole faces. With the total hearing loss in my left ear, I hadn’t realized how much I depended on lip reading to understand what people were saying. There are many times I had to ask them to repeat themselves. It’s better than getting sick.

That’s all the news from the Edge of Wright. Stay safe and please wear a face covering when in public. Enjoy the fall colors and remember to vote.

Send your Wright and Cromwell area news to [email protected] or call 218-357-2385.

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