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Wright/Cromwell news

Lisa Donelson, former Cromwell-Wright teacher, author, and former resident of Floodwood will present a program, “Signs of Encouragement,” at the Floodwood Baptist church at 7 p.m. Oct. 17. Many of you in the area may recall the huge sign in her yard featuring many sayings and quotes over the years. Everyone is welcome to attend.

With the resumption of fall sports activities, the Cromwell- Wright football team played its first game last Friday and won in thrilling fashion, 15-14, over


The auction at Alice Lake’s home Oct. 10 was a success, with lots of bidders and lookers. Everything sold was in fine condition and well worth the price of the winning bids. Alice and Dick and the whole family thank everyone for participating and making their transition to the Cardinal Court more bearable. And the weather couldn’t have been better either. God must have been smiling on them.

The dedication of the new pulpit and altar at Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Wright has been postponed until later so more folks can attend. They were made by Bryce Pinnow, so please come and check out the additions any Sunday, as the doors are now open to all who feel safe in attending worship.

Ruth and Pam are asking for donations to the Christmas Caring program to help our area kids have a happy holiday season. Donations of gifts or cash can be brought to the Area Clothing Depot or deposited into donation containers at businesses.

The $4 meals from AEOA are not made by the Fireside, but instead come from the Hibbing area. If interested, contact Angels in McGregor at 218-768-2762 and sign up. You can get two weeks’ worth of meals as they don’t deliver meals to outlying towns. Residents in Cromwell and Wright are eligible to receive them.

My husband, Bob, is still in North Shore Estates for rest, therapy and recuperation. His address is Room 128, 7700 Grand Ave., Duluth MN 55807. Phone number is 218-628-9409. He would enjoy hearing from you, and thanks those who have sent greetings.

Bethany Lutheran Church in Cromwell is sponsoring a trick-or-treat event 3-5 p.m. Oct. 31 in the church parking lot. For more information and to make a donation, email [email protected], text 630-609-0343, or call Brenda at 218-390-4570. The event is sponsored by Bethlehem and Bethany Lutheran churches and the Cromwell Area

Community Club.

Don’t forget to turn your clocks back one hour on Halloween night, and we will all gain an hour of sleep as Daylight Saving Time ends.

Mary J. Purcell, 92, formerly of Wright, died Oct. 9 in Minnetonka. Her daughter Susan informed me there will be no service, and cards of condolence can be mailed to her son, Larry Purcell, at 5343 Garfield Ave. S., Minneapolis MN 55419.

Maurice William Mann, 85, of Proctor, died Oct. 7 at Golden Oaks in Proctor. Maurice was born on Aug. 4, 1935, to Kenneth and Marion (Overvig) Mann in Moose Lake. The family lived in rural Cromwell for several years before moving to Duluth.

That’s all the news from the Edge of Wright. Stay safe and please wear a face covering when in public. Remember to pay your real estate taxes by Oct. 15, and vote on or before Nov. 3. Your ballot can be dropped off at the Carlton County Courthouse before 8 p.m. on Election Day.

Send Wright and Cromwell news to Jennie at [email protected] or call 218-357-2385.