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Letter: Is it fear mongering or just plain reality?

In response to last week’s letter “Say no to political fear mongering,” I — as the flyer author and co-host of the event of which she spoke — feel compelled to respond to what I see as a personal attack on Minnesota House District 11A candidate Jeff Dotseth.

I want to set the record straight with facts.

The meeting that was held was open to the public. It is a shame that anyone would personally attack someone for a flyer they saw on Facebook. Anyone who truly wanted to know what it was about could have attended the meeting, and then they would have known that Dotseth never mentioned Black Lives Matter.

People involved around marches have ruined homes and businesses of Black people, the very people they claim to protest for. I believe the “tolerant” left has repeatedly made a stand with violence in the country. They have proven to be the antithesis of what they preach. In the Twin Cities, there were damages of up to $500 million during BLM protests. Fear mongering or reality?

We need more people like Jeff Dotseth. He takes the initiative to protect his people. He will lead well and be proactive to protect this community. He will honor the Constitution. He will work for “We the People” and not a personal agenda. To overlook the ongoing violence of BLM and voter suppression would be reckless of any leader who has this information and does not inform his future constituents. Jeff does not want any of us to be the next victim of violence, theft, destruction of homes and businesses, right down to their freedom to vote as BLM members impose fear into our communities.

To repeat the words in last week’s letter: “If you are not outraged, you are not paying attention.”

Jeff Dotseth, hold your head high, keep fighting the battle. You’ve got this and I could not be prouder than I am to support you with everything I am. God bless you and God bless America.

Deb Colombe,


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