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Governor Tim Walz spent close to 90 minutes touring several different projects on the Fond du Lac Reservation Friday with tribal leaders. Walz said he was grateful to be there, and happy to sit with Fond du Lac leaders to find out what’s going on and try to figure things out together.
Fond du Lac Reservation Business Committee chairman Kevin Dupuis Sr. said they “will sit at the table with anybody.”
“I think that’s where it starts, with that dialogue, to welcome people in and see where everybody stands and learn from one another,” Dupuis said.
One of the stops was the growing dome at the Gitigaaning farm in Sawyer.
According to a story in the FDL “Nahgahchiwanong Dibahjimowinnan” November newspaper, the Fond du Lac Farm to School team donated hundreds of pounds of fresh vegetables to the Ojibwe School’s food program to supplement the school’s packed lunches. The growing dome will allow the program a longer growing season, and provide fresh greens and cool weather vegetables into the winter. The dome was constructed with help from an Administration for Native Americans grant.