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College News

Gamradt makes dean’s list

Ellie Gamradt of Wrenshall has been named to the Southeast Missouri State University dean’s list for academic achievement during the fall 2020 semester.

Students named to the list earned at least a 3.75 grade point average on a 4.0 scale, completed at least 12 hours of standard graded credit and achieved no grade below a B.

Androsky makes dean’s list

Hamline University student Caelyn Androsky of Cloquet was named to the College of Liberal Arts dean’s list for the fall 2020 semester. To qualify, students must earn a GPA of 3.5 or higher and maintain a full course load.

Adams makes dean’s list

Makenzie Adams of Cloquet was named to the University of Sioux Falls’ fall 2020 dean’s list. Adams is majoring in criminal justice.

Adams was among more than 600 students named to the list. To qualify, students must earn a term GPA of 3.5 or greater.

Owens makes dean’s list

Hailey Owens of Cloquet was named to the fall 2020 dean’s list at Berry College. The list honors students posting an academic average of 3.5 or better while carrying a class load of at least 12 hours during the semester.

Thompson on 4.0 list

Amy Thompson of Cloquet was among 297 students from Rochester Community and Technical College who made the president’s list for the fall semester that ended in December.

To qualify for the list, students must have completed 12 credits or more for the same semester with a 4.0 GPA.

Cloquet students make list

Several students from Cloquet have been named to the University of Wisconsin-Superior dean’s list for academic achievement during the fall 2020 semester.

They are: Connor Anderson, Hannah Baker, Madison Bohren, Blake Desmond, Dylan Johnson, Carter Kallis, Kelly Kruger, Derrick Moe, Jesse Nelson, Paige Ninneman, Savannah Sears, Jessica Smith, Stephanie Smith, Mackenzie Stevenson, Elizabeth Strickland, Victoria Vosburg and Blair Wuollet.

To be named to the list, students must have completed 12 degree-seeking semester credits and achieved at least a 3.5 GPA.

Mankato degrees awarded

Two Cloquet students were awarded degrees at Minnesota State University, Mankato in December.

Breanna Bushman now has a degree in nursing. Robert Macaulay has a master’s in accouting.

Those were two of 1,796 degrees awarded to 1,753 students at the end of the fall 2020 semester. Graduates celebrated through a special website with commencement videos available Dec. 12, the day the university had scheduled for three traditional graduation ceremonies that canceled because of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Each graduate also received “commencement in a box” packages shipped to their homes with printed commencement programs, a diploma holder and a few gifts.